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Mr.kim: "Class dismisses, don't forget to put the homework in my desk"

I take my homework out of my backpack and put it in his desk, as I put it he looked up and our eyes interlocked on more time. I look away and start to walk out of the class, this is so weird...

Lisa: "Come on Y/n I don't have all day"


Hyejin: "What's going on with you? Your weird since the beginning of the class more weird than your normal weird, is it because of that hot teacher??"

She starts to poke me and I laugh, "Of course not"


School finished some time ago and it's time to pick up my brother. I see him at the distant and start to wave when he finally sees me he waves back to me and stars to walk in my direction.

Minho: "Y/n can I ask you something?"

"You already did" he looks at me with an annoyed expression and I laugh "Yes you can, what is it?"

Minho: "Your 18 now and you can talk to your soulmate, how is he? He better be good, I know I'm just 11 but I'll throw hands!"

"Well...I think his nice, but I don't really know him that well, actually I'm gonna talk to him when we get home to get to know each other better"

Minho: "Whats his name"


Minho: "After you finish talking talking to him tell me how it went"

"I will"

We walk home and make casual conversation on the rest of the way. When we get there I go straight to my room and undress, I really want to take a shower right now.

I turn on the shower and I get under it, the hot water makes contact with my skin giving me a warm and relaxing feeling.

Jin: "Hi Y/n"

I slip and almost fall but I don't, he gave me an heart attack.

"Hi Jin"

Jin: "Can we talk now or your busy?"

"We can talk"

Jin: "So tell me about your life"

"Well, I live with my brother and mom, I love them both very much and I'm close to them. I'm in last year of high school and when I go to college I wanna major in English. My favorite color is purple, I dance on my free time but it's more of a dance to myself locked in my room type of thing and I also love writing and reading"

Jin: "I live with my three roommates, we are very close to each other because we are childhood best friends. I majored in teaching and I'm a math professor now, I also sing in my free time and I love to cook, and I love to tell dad jokes too"

"You like to cook? Well I like to eat so this is perfect, I cook too for my brother because my- hmm"

Jin: "Every think okay?"


Jin: "I would like us to cook together some day"

My cheeks start to get bright red and my heart starts to beat faster, why am I felling like this, is this because his my soulmate?

"That would be good"

Jin: "I have to go now, I have homework to correct. I'll talk to you later, bye Y/n"

"Bye Jin, talk to you later"

His a MATH teacher off all jobs and subjects, that explains why he was so good to explain what to do when he helped me with my homework.

I get out of the shower and start to dry myself, I put my pj's on and go to bed, time to watch My holo love"


(Jin POV)

I get up and go to my desk where my case is with the homework's I have to correct. I take it out and look at it, why does this seem so familiar?

I think a little longer and then I realize that I helped Y/n with the exact same thing, this is just a coincidence sure thing. Mr.Williams probably took this exercises from a site a lot a math teachers use, that must be it...

Hoseok: "What are you doing??"

"Correcting homework"

Hoseok: "Well that's seems boring, I'm gonna se what Namjoon is up to"

"See you"



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Substitute teacher- (Soulmate AU: Jin ff)Where stories live. Discover now