✽ Prologue

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A/N: This has been another request made by EULSIERS! Rengoku Senjuro also deserves our love as well, he is such a precious cinnamon roll!  Please enjoy this as well, and maybe it might give you a reason to fall in love with this cutie too.

He made his way towards where the cries were heard. Unsure of what had happened to his younger sister, he eventually finds her through the sound of her cries and gently picked her up with a soft smile on his face.

Despite being blind, despite being unable to see his younger sister, Himejima Gyomei still fully loves his younger sister with all his heart as she was the only special one left in his life as he continued to take care of the orphans in the temple.

"Why are you crying?" he asked in a soft voice then as [name] soon stopped crying the moment she felt Gyomei picking her up with ease. He smiled softly then as he raised a finger up and wiggled it in front of [name], who randomly slapped her tiny hands about as she could hear the soft winds coming about.

"There, there. There isn't a need to cry, I'm here," he whispered out and carried [name] out from her room and towards where the orphans had gathered for their dinner. He then gently set her down on his lap as he continued with his dinner with the children.

A soft smile appeared on his lips as he could hear the sounds of the children having their meals quietly and he felt [name] wiggling about in his lap and he could only then place his chopsticks down as he placed a hand over her small body, soothing the little nightmare that she was having.

Unable to see his younger sister's form, he could only pray that she was a perfect little girl in his arms as he continued to protect her and shower her with unconditional love. And then there was [name], in his lap as she snuggled closer to his warmth.

Eventually, Gyomei had left the temple to run some errands, and [name] was awake. She crawled about and started to bump into things, but her hearings soon made her curious as she heard a door slid opened.

A sudden gust of wind blew into the room and she shivered a little as she started to cry. She soon heard running footsteps and felt hands over her body, where she continued to cry once more, clearly aware that the hands did not bring her any form of familiarity.

"Don't cry, Himejima-san will be coming back soon!" a child spoke out, whereas [name] continued to cry. They then heard the door sliding opened once more, and they turned with a happy look on their faces, thinking that Gyomei had returned from running his errands.

Only for their eyes to widen then as they were instantly killed. [name] started to cry louder as she heard the sound of blood splattering, and the warmth surrounding her was no longer available. She cried as if she was a newborn child, and the demon could only grit his fangs together, clearly irritated by her cries.

He was just about to pick up [name], only to have his eyes widened then as the ground beneath him sank. The area started to rumble along with [name]'s cries, and Gyomei quickly returned only to watch as the remaining children started to run out. He could feel the demon within the temple and he heard [name]'s cries.

"[name]!" he yelled out as he quickly tried to find her, only to feel the demon escaping then and he soon fell into the hole that was created. And that was when Gyomei could feel, the earth rumbling beneath them, synching together with [name]'s cries.

That was the day, Himejima Gyomei knew, Himejima [name] was a special girl.

He quickly soothed her cries as he carried her in his arms and ran out to find the remaining children. Due to his frail stature and blindness fueled the distrust the children had in Gyomei's ability to protect them, which led them to abandon him and ultimately getting killed by the demon.

[name] started to cry once more in Gyomei's arms and he could feel the earth rumbling once more beneath him, and the sound of blood splattering was heard. Not knowing the fact that [name] had ultimately tried to kill the demon. He then quickly placed her down safely and proceeded to punch the 

Though it is unknown how the exchange went down, Gyomei had been cut across the forehead by the demon but soon reversed the situation and began attacking the demon mercilessly after realizing he had a frightening amount of power. 

He went on and beat the demon's head until the sun rose, and [name] soon grew silent as her tiny throat went hoarse as she had cried till she had no more voice. And the earth stopped to rumble then along with her cries.

[name] and Gyomei then heard footsteps and that's when [name] started to cry as Sayo, the youngest child, who had listened to Gyomei's orders and stayed behind in fear of the demon. Soon after, people came to the scene of the incident to help but then Sayo caused a huge misunderstanding.

"That man's a monster. He killed them. He killed everyone."

And the villagers assumed that she was referring to Gyomei and not the demon who had attacked them. [name] could only continue to cry then as she was ripped away from Gyomei's arms, and he was soon being taken away.

The sound of her cries caused Himejima Gyomei to attack the villagers, given how he just wanted to ensure [name] was alright, only to have himself getting knocked out and [name] was soon brought away, only to be dropped.

When the earth beneath them rumbled once more and they fear, that she was a witch in disguise, discarding her onto the abandoned temple grounds, [name] was left alone then, in the cold harsh nature as she now silently cry.

For there was no warmth protecting her now.

And one would think of Gyomei being heartless for 'killing' the children, but then again, who are the heartless ones? Abandoning an innocent toddler right on the abandoned temple grounds, with no wisteria incense put about to protect her from the oncoming demons.

He was then seen, walking towards [name]. A soft smile appeared on his lips then as he gently picked her up in his arms and soothed her crying sounds. He gently patted her on the back and he turned to look at his wife who had on a sad smile as she wrapped [name] in a warm blanket.

"Come, let's go get your big brother back," he whispered out, and with that gentle voice, did [name] stop crying and the earth stopped rumbling once more.

"You're a special child, [name]. I'm sure Gyomei treasures you a lot," he said with a smile as they soon took their leave, heading to find where they had imprisoned Himejima Gyomei at.

Himejima Gyomei woke up to a slight headache. Noticing the atmosphere was rather tense as he heard rattles of chains. He felt the cold chain attached to his ankles then as he tried to get out of the cell.

Realizing that [name] was taken away from him, he wanted nothing more but his younger sister to be back with him. He banged against the wall, only to be told to quiet down as he slumps away once more.

Clearly, he was going to be executed, and all he could think about was whether [name] is going to grow up in a healthy environment, and not end up like him. Labelled as a murderer, when all he wanted to do was to protect her and Sayo then.

"Himejima Gyomei," a gentle voice was heard and Gyomei could only slowly lift his head even though he wasn't able to see. But the voice was so gentle, it made him feel at peace somehow. He then noticed the sound of ruffling was heard, and soon he heard the door opening.

"Uwah!" and Gyomei's eyes started to tear up as he felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, lifting his arms up and soon the familiar weight and warmth of Himejima [name] was in his arms. He could only smile sadly then as he continued to cry and soon felt a pat on his head.

"We tend to misread those who are willing to help and protect," he spoke out and Gyomei could only then feel the kindness radiating from the man who was speaking. The very same man who had returned [name] into his arms, safely.

"The demon's corpse turned into dust and vanished, so only the children's bodies remained. I was imprisoned and charged with murder," Gyomei spoke out and the man softly chuckled then.

"I know. Which is why I'm here to take you to a new home. Somewhere where people will admire your strength. Somewhere you wouldn't be framed for nonsensical disbeliefs," he spoke out and Gyomei felt [name] shifting in his arms once more.

"Please. Anything so that [name] doesn't live in such a horrible place," he whispered out.

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