✽ 09. Mark

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"No... I must go. I must go and see if she is alright! I must try to protect her!" Senjuro thought to himself as he grabbed hold of a broomstick and quickly ran out of the Rengoku Estate and down the path, heading towards the Ubushiyaki Estate then, despite it being terribly far away from where he stayed at.


"What's going on?! Isn't [name] supposed to go against that bastard Muzan instead?!" Sanemi muttered out as he engaged in battle with the Upper Moon One together with Gyomei, Muichiro, and his younger brother, Genya.

"Earth Columns!" and the ground started to rumble as columns started to rise from the ground, causing everybody to become unstable. Or rather, just the demons themselves as the Demon Slayers had trained together with [name] in a short amount of time to get used to the uneven surface.

[name] watched in her mind then as Akaza scowled and gritted his fangs in response then and soon she watched as he punched straight at her direction, which she then heard the vibrations getting stronger.

"[name]!" Giyuu yelled out as he noticed from the corner of his eyes as he was trying to attack Kibutsuju Muzan, that Akaza had punched through the columns, and his fist was heading straight for [name]'s face.

Only to watch as the Upper Moon Three was sent up flying at an insane speed by a huge boulder that [name] had created with her powers. She then got on one knee and placed a hand on the ground and she rode upwards then.

Akaza then punched through the huge boulder and [name] quickly swiped her hand to ensure it wouldn't fall upon her comrades. She then gritted her teeth then as she hopped onto a column and so did Akaza then.

"Destructive Death, Air Type," Punching the air, Akaza creates a powerful multishot shockwave range attack, sending it directly to [name] who then placed her hands on the column and brought it up creating a mini earth wall, only to have herself being blown away then and she fell from a great height.

"[NAME]!" Sanemi noticed her fall but couldn't run to catch her as she fell onto the ground in a harsh manner. [name] then gritted her teeth then as she looked via her mind and noticed Akaza coming straight for her right from the top and she quickly turned her body and rolled away just in time.

"Earth Hand," and Akaza smirked at the same method [name] tried to use against him and he easily punched through it, only to have his yellow eyes widened then as [name] was seen running towards him at a fast speed with her fist pulled behind.

He quickly placed his hands together and protected his stomach just as [name] landed a solid hard punch against it and he noticed then [name]'s fist was covered in a protective layer of earth, allowing her to have such a strong impact on him as well as he started to slide backward and soon bumped into Doma.

"Hello, Akaza-dono! Do you need help in dealing with her?" Doma asked and Akaza scowled and ignored the Upper Moon Two and lunged forward as well, heading straight for [name].

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