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Chapter 7: Wait

Someone once said "children who come from a two parent household are easier to love, unlike those that are raised by single parents" I don't think this is correct, I was raised by both parents, people who love and respect each other and I am the most broken person out there. I don't know man, I sometimes wonder if my parents didn't love me but I have no evidence to support that. My parents have never not supported me, when I announced wanting to be a realtor they were happy even though my Dad was a bit reluctant at first. The support has always been there.

Mama"Busi, uyandiva?"

I looked at her then at Uhuru, his hand my holding mine. He has this habit of being what I need when I fall apart, not before I fall apart.

Me"Xolo, busithini?"

Mama"Ngathi ucinga kude"

Me"Beku phaba umntana, I wanted her to stop hence I lost focus"

My mother looked at me, she was worried and I didn't know how else to assure her that I am okay.

Mama"Awufuni ulala apha namhlanje?"

Me"This weekend, Kay and Lihle would love to sleep over here too"

Mama"Yhuuu! We are too old now, your father and I cannot handle SLK anymore"

That's what we used to call our group.

Me"Hahaha I promise we will behave "

Mama"At least I can now throw all of you out"

Uhuru"Were you guys that bad?"

My Dad joined us and my mother filled him in.

Dad"If you think Khayakazi is bad now, she was worse kudala. Akeva me lamntana"

Uhuru was laughing at all the stories, see what I mean? My parents have always been there for me. Dr Ziba once made us do family therapy months after I was raped and she didn't seem to find fault, my parents asked questions and they were always involved when it came to me. I was just broken wethu.

Mama"They will sleep over kule weekend izayo"

Dad"Hay!! hay!!! Akho need tuuu! During the day kuhanjwe. Asoze, akeva la Khayakazi. Uyamazi nawe Nosakhele"

Me"She grew up"

Dad"Ewe kodwa not kwam, I have migraines nje ngoku mcinga"

"Kubekho uLihleli hay asoze! This is my house I have rights"

I cannot remember the last time I laughed this much. My parents were my happy place.

Me"I think I'll sleep over tonight ke"

Dad"Good, then nge weekend niye pha Ku Jazz (Kay's father) niyongxolela yena. Niyeke indlu yam"

Uhuru was in tears, over the years Kay and Lihle have really traumatized my Dad.

The next few days were weird, I moved back in with my parents. Being here made sense, when I told Dr Ziba she was thrilled that I was with people. Kay and Lihle didn't say anything but I also needed to give them a break to focus on their own lives again, they fought me on this but I had to get my mother assure them that I am okay.


Seko's is my brother, he is my father's son. Growing up I thought my mother was his mother, that's how loving my parents are. When Kay's mother passed away my mother made sure she was there everytime Kay needed a mother. I am not worried that I will be a toxic mother because mine was toxic, me not wanting children has always been my decision. It has nothing to do with my parents or how I was raised.

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