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Chapter 10

Time doesn't heal all wounds, it helps you move on but you don't heal. I spent Three months trying to be myself again, that's the longest I have ever been committed. Each day I gained my strength, I think I also found myself again. Kay and Lihle visited me everyday, my parents were worse, they came twice a day. Seko would face time me when my parents were around. 

Mama"Are you ready to come home?"

I nodded

Dad"Masambe, kunuki pine gel kule ndawo"

I laughed and he smiled

"Alihle iBhelekazi lam"

Mama"Yambona? Uzotsho asiphekele"

Me"No! Hahaha then take me to place"


The drive home was so pleasant, we got to the house and I went straight to my room. I packed my clothes away, someone knocked on my door and I turned around to look. 

Dad"Can I come in?"

I nodded.


He walked in then closed the door, he sat on the chair opposite my bed. 

Dad"Your mother doesn't think you are ready to hear this but I think I should tell you. I don't want you to hear about this from someone else" 

"Uhuru has the baby, you were seen as unfit to make decisions that would benefit her. So as the father he was the next best person, your mother and I didn't fight him. Not because we don't love that little girl but because we love and respect you even more, we are sorry for pushing you to a point where you felt like death was your only option. That was never our intention, we really had the best intentions but we went about them the wrong way and for that we are sorry" 

I smiled at him and then reached for his hands.

Me"You do know I would never forbid you from seeing her right?, and Uhuru is a lot of things but I don't think he would keep the baby away from you if you want to see her" 

Dad"Not now, wounds are still fresh mntanam" 

Me"Do me a favour; In case you and Mama get old forget, I will tell Seko this too" 

"One day when you all think she is ready, I have a journal that I wrote my thoughts on and this letter I just wrote for her. These might help her understand my version of events" 


We hugged and I was at peace with myself, I was happy with the decision I took.

Me"Can I borrow your car? I need to run some errands"

Dad"Thixo! Hay, ungathathi le ka Nosakhele?"

I laughed

Me"I promise I will fill up and I will be quick" 

Dad"Yhuu, hambe kwam ntombazana hamba"

Me"I love you Dad"

He  kissed my forehead and offered me a huge smile.

Dad"Uthandwa ndim kuqala"

The following week I asked Lihle if I could use her place to cook for everyone. She offered to help but I told her this is my thank you to them, I needed to do this alone. I woke up at 4am and I cooked, I played some Teyana Taylor_Gonna Love me to wake me up. I was chopping and frying, before I knew it the time was 11:00am and everything was almost done, I drove to Home industries to fetch my sweet platter and cheesecake then tops to buy the drinks. My phone rang as I was driving, thank God for Bluetooth. 


Seko"Is your 1 o'clock real or will we work on African time?"

Me"Well I decorated the table already, all I have to do is braai the meat and put the chicken in the oven"

"No African time" 

Seko"Are you okay?"

I smiled at his question

Me"Yes, I took my medication. I am good I promise you" 

"I just pulled up, will see you later" 

I did everything that was left for me to do then cleaned up, I was actually shocked shocked that I actually pulled everything before everyone arrived. I ran to take a shower, I wore a yellow button down dress and black All Star takkies. I ran downstairs to check on the meat, the fire was ready so I put the T bones and went back inside. As I was about to open the door, Kay arrived with my brother. 


I looked at them then shrugged it off, she gave me a hug. 

Seko"Can we help with anything?"

Me"No, you can however pour yourself a drink I have an open bar" 

I had four bottles of wine by the door, a cheese platter and some snacks for arrival. 

Kay"Did you hire someone to help?"

Me"I would say ask Lihle but she forgot to take me up at 4 like I asked her. I did this ndedwa" 

My parents and Kay's father arrived, then it was Lihle's parents. Everyone kept on asking who help me. 

Me"The doubt hurts" 

I went outside to check on the meet, everything was in their bain marie. Lihle's entertainment area led you to the garden, that's where we would be eating. Everyone would dish up for themselves and hopefully someone will offer to to the dishes. I went back to mingle, Lihle and Kevin had arrived she was already planning music. 

Me"Hey Kev, hey boo"

She gave me hug

Lihle"This looks so beautiful "

She was referring to the welcoming drinks and snacks. 

Me"Wait until you see what I did outside"

Lihle"When are we eating khona?"

I laughed

Me"We waiting for two more people"

Uhuru's parents finally arrived and my parents were the first to hug them. Then I went over to hug them. 

Me"Thank you for coming"

Nolu kissed my cheeks

Nolu"Anytime Busi, Talitha really wanted to come but age ayisavumi"

Me"Can I get your attention"

Dad"Betha iglass wena MamBhele and they will shut up" 

I laughed at him

Me"I don't have much to say but I would just like to thank you. Each and everyone here today I don't think I could have survived this year without your prayers. I am grateful, words cannot describe how much I love you guys"

"To my parents; I know Tata will refuse this but Mama I trust you will force him. You two deserve a boat cruise, just the two of us. You've work hard for us now let me just spoil you" 

My mother hugged me and my Dad just smiled. 

Lihle"Can Kay and I go with your parents?"

Dad"Hay Thixo! Lihleli can you let me rest and have a peaceful time without you and Khayakazi"

Everyone was laughing.

Me"I am permanently moving to Cape town tomorrow" 

"This is my last day in PE"

Mother city

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