Imagine 1: Days like this pt.1 [minor Angst/Fluff]

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Tags: Ensemble x Reader 

It was officially the worst day ever.

Not only did you lose your wallet, but your phone screen was all now cracked.

You cursed under your breath as you turned around to yell at the biker who had just barely avoided hitting you causing you to drop your new phone on the deadly tiles of the sidewalk.

You inspected the damage; your phone was beeping furiously yet as you tried to try any function it blacked out. It wasn't just shattered now it was also unresponsive.

Here goes your chance to call an uber driver.

"fuck" you sighed aloud, getting some dirty looks from the passers-bys. A woman even went as far as covering her child's ears.

You rolled your eyes; you were sure the child had heard worse before there was no need for the lady to act so dramatic.

To be honest you were not the type to pay attention to such things, you could care less about people around you and their opinion but today...

It was officially the worst day ever.

Not only did you lose your wallet, but your phone screen was all now cracked.

You cursed under your breath as you turned around to yell at the biker who had just barely avoided hitting you causing you to drop your new phone on the deadly tiles of the sidewalk.

You inspected the damage; your phone was beeping furiously yet as you tried to try any function it blacked out. It wasn't just shattered now it was also unresponsive.

Here goes your chance to call an uber driver.

"fuck" you sighed aloud, getting some dirty looks from the passerbys. A woman even went as far as covering her child's ears.

You rolled your eyes; you were sure the child had heard worse before there was no need for the lady to act so dramatic.

To be honest you were not the type to pay attention to such things, you could care less about people around you and their opinion but today...

Today was one of those days.

You were swarmed with assignments, your university just took you out from the volleyball team for God knows what reason and you had one more chance to pass your Biochem paper or you were forced to repeat the whole year.

Not to talk about your Korean tutor being a bitch.

You were stressed and rightfully so,

Just as you pondered over all your life problems, you felt a little sprinkle of wetness on your face.

You blinked bringing the palm of your hand to your cheek.

'nope it wasn't your tears'

With no time to actually process the situation, the clouds turned grey, a pitter patter was found resounding around you as the sky opened up, letting it pour on the great city of Seoul.

As you looked around, you could see people running for cover.

A few of them were prepared, opening their umbrellas with a swift motion, their trajectory never shivered as their feet carried out with purposeful strides.

You thought about your options.

You could not get a cab nor a bus because you lost your wallet at the University.

You could not get an uber because your phone got broken.

Your aunt was probably still at her office, but it would be such a long walk...

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