Maybe its not old

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"Oh my god, I am so sorry! I should've looked where I was going! Oh..." He stopped. I looked at him, he was smiling at me, staring at me actually.
"Way to go Einstein" I said laughing Still no response. "Hello?" I asked.
"Oh sorry, big surfer, walk much?" He smiled.
"Yeah that's me! I can't walk you turd!" I said smiling.
"Sorry sorry ." We were both still on the ground. He got up picked up my stuff and put his hand out. He was cute, adorable actually, but not hot. I looked at his hand.
"I don't bite!" He jokingly said to me.
"Yeah cause that's the first thing I think of when I think of you" I laughed while rolling my eyes, i grabbed his hand and he helped me up.
"K beautiful, ha wait" He looked down and I could see his face turn red.
"Talk much?" I started blushing.
"No I actually don't Andy recalled.
"Thank you though, and k sure" I couldn't help but stare at him, his eyes were so big and a dark brown, almost black. He was tan.
"Aha... Where's your locker?" We were walking up the stairs, it's actually right here" I started putting in my combination.
"Mines right down there" he pointed towards the empty hallway.
"Let me see your schedule" he handed it over.
"hey we have 2nd,3rd, 5th, resource, and 7th together!" I was actually really surprised.
"We can walk to classes together!" He smirked. My gut was telling me I like him. He was actual perfection, he was 5"8 with a quiff almost and dimples, he's adorable. He was taller than me too, I'm 5"1.
"That'll be fun!" I close my locker and say bye to Andy. I walk to my first block. My teacher went through the year with us and then gave us our seats. We were all standing around the edge of classroom when I got my seat. It was right next to Jake, it was terrible. I used to date Jake, it was for a year, 7th to 8th grade, yeah yeah dating in 7th is ridiculous but we were honestly in love with each other, we spent almost every moment together, we never kissed or anything like that, we never liked to rub it in anyone's face. In June of 8th he cheated on me, with 7 girls. He hooked up with them, and my friend got pictures of him making out with those girls at a party. I couldn't go because I was sick, I was disgusted and upset that he would do that, it would've been our 2 year anniversary in October. I'm now in 9th grade. He wouldn't even kiss me, I never even had my first kiss...
"Babe!" Jake yelled.
"You're so revolting jake." I rolled my eyes.
"Babe, I miss you!" He handed me a note, it read
'Meet me behind the school at 9:30, for some 'us' time' I ripped it up.
"Jake do you not realize my hatred for you, do you not realize I was practically in love with you, we never kissed and yet you hooked up with 7 girls!" He looked down.
"I miss you Brooke. I want you. I miss our times, when we used to cuddle, when I used to surprise you from behind, I miss you Brooke, I want you, I need you, you're all I want. You're all I'll ever have." He sincerely looked up.
"You're not what I want. I don't want my heart broken Jake. I don't want you, I don't like you Jake, I never will ever again." I looked away and opened up my notebook, every little word I said I meant. I hated his guts. The slut behind me hooked up with him.
"Jakey.. I'm here babe. You know" she smiled.
"Alrighty Tasha we aren't gonna do this." He rolled his eyes. The bell rung and it was time for science. Mr.Greene. He was a chill dude. I was furious from Jake actually thinking he could talk to me but I could see Andy. I walked in and Mr.Greene told us to sit anywhere and those are our seats. I saw Andy and we sat together.
"Yoooo!" He said to me.
"hi little gangster!" I smiled. I looked back and Jake was in my class. He sat across from my desk.
"I don't want to waste your time and talk about stuff so I'm just gonna hand out 2 papers, one of them for a form for your parents and another is a project, it has to do with science, obviously and you can work with whoever you want." Andy grabbed my side then stopped.
"Oh god I'm sorry" he laughed "I didn't mean to do that" we began laughing. "I meant to poke you so we could work together." I began laughing. "You're laugh is so cute oh my god!" My laugh is more of a squeal.
"Andy stop!" I couldn't stop laughing,
"Sorry sorry!" He laughed. Jake poked me.
"What do you want Jake.?" I rolled my eyes.
"Want to work together?" He asked.
"No I'm working with Andy and I wouldn't want to work with you anyways."
"Fine then I'll just work with another babe." He smirked.
"You're revolting god." I rolled my eyes and went back to talking to Andy.
"Is that Jake?" He asked
"You guessed it, the revolting kid that hooks up with 7 girls and plays them and cheats on girls for almost 2 years, yeah that asshole" I rolled my eyes and squeezed my fists.
"You dated him didn't you?" He asked.
"Yeah... I regret every moment of it" my face turns red. We stop that conversation and begin talking about our project.
"volcano!" Andy looked really excited to do that.
"Everyone does that Andy!"
"Vinegar and baking soda! Explosions!"
"How about we make quick sand, or we do tests with mice!"
"MICE!" Andy almost screams. I give him the okay and then we exchange numbers, we're allowed to have our phones out during class so it was okay.
"We're going to have to do this together, want to come over tonight since it's due in 4 weeks?" I asked him.
"I'd love to!" Andy says. The bell rings and I go to fourth, nothing happens in there considering my teacher just had us read.
During 5th me and Andy say next to each other. We couldn't stop laughing. It was almost like we were made to be best friends.
It was then lunch. Me and Andy walked down together. Both of our friends called us over but we ignored them and sat at table for 2.
I wasn't that hungry so I just bought a drink and had apples. Andy opened up his sand which and gave me half.
"I love turkey, it's my favorite, here have some"
"Andy you don't have to" he shook his head and gave it to me. I took a bite. My friend Ashley came over.
"Brooke? Come on over!" She looked up. "Oh never mind Brooke, I'll leave you two alone" she winked and smirked then walked away.
"Ashley!" I began laughing trying to hide my embarrassment.
"Sorry about her..." I looked down.
"You're friends are hilarious" he took a bite from his sandwich while laughing.
"So Brooke, tell me about yourself." He told me
"You literally know everything about me"
"so what dont i know" Andy questioned
"you know everything oh my"
The bell rang and we walked up to resource together. I stopped at my locker and I handed him my stuff.
"Am I your slave?" He asked
"Yeah actually you are" I said with a straight face. We walked to class and sat next to each other and we drew. 7th block started and we did nothing. The end of the day came my brother was coming to pick me up.
"You're coming with me right?" I asked Andy.
"Yeah I am" he said
"My brothers driving us but he's gonna embarrass me and just go straight in my room when we get to my house because my younger brother and dad will embarrass me. We get into the car.
"OO who is this handsome fellow, did Brooke get herself a new boyfriend? Wait that's just Andy"
"Joe shut up please" I look at him. Joe starts to play walk the moon, and he blasts the music.
"No joe, you know about my ears I can't listen to loud music" I said to him turning down the music
"Wow you suck" joe laughed
"Dads home you know so is Michael" joe said
"Yeah man I know, are you going surfing tonight with Matty?" I asked my brother
"Nah brah I'm going as soon as I get home, waves are great, gnarly peak period" we got out of the car and we headed straight into my room.
"You switched up your room?" Andy asked
"Yeah" I said I put my stuff and down and we started planning.

I met him at the beach..Where stories live. Discover now