He was my true love

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We held hands walking out when an old lady stops us.
"Ex-excuse me, I-I just wanted to say, how-how adorable you two are" she smiles.
"Aw thank you!" I say. She hugs me.
"He's your match" she whispers in my ear. She lets go and walks away slowly moving her cane back and forth.
"Aw how sweet!" Andy says blushing.
"She was so cute" I couldn't get off my mind of how she said 'he's your match' was he really? I couldn't stop thinking about that. It was almost 5 when we finished walking around and me shopping... Woops.
"Hey we aren't going yet!" Andy says with joy.
"Oh my god" I say. We walk back to the beach. There's Joe standing there with his Keys.
"Get in loser we're going shopping" he yells I laugh. I get in the front and blast some fleetwood Mac. Joe pulls up to the carnival. I turn back to andy.
"Andy! I won't be back in time!" I say worried.
"Don't worry you will!" I was really hoping he would take me back to the hospital so I could use the oxygen mask. I could at least use a breather while I was sticking my head out the window so the oxygen could at least fill me in. I walked out of the car. Andy paid for me which he didn't have to and we went on the Ferris wheel. He puts his arm around me.
"This is a lovely night" he says as I lay my head on his chest.
"It is" I whisper. I try to breathe as best as I could but I just couldn't. I was breathing really heavily now.
"You okay?" Andy asks looking down at me worried.
"Me? Yeah I'm fine.." Tears start to wobble up to my eyes. That's what happens to me whenever I start to lose breath, I cry. Andy looks down at me.
"Brooke? You sure?" Andy knew something was up.
"Yeah I'm fine I'm just gonna need my oxygen mask as soon as we get back." I whisper.
"Brooke, do you need to go back?"
"No I'm fine I can last" he shrugs. I lay my head back on his shoulder. The ride stops and we get off. I start walking slower. My steps get slower and slower.
I fall. Andy looks back.
"Brooke!" Andy runs back over to me.
"I-I-I'm fine" I say in between breaths. He lifts me but I just fall again. He picks me up and runs me to one of the workers.
"Call the ambulance!" They already had an ambulance just in case waiting there and they put me on one of the stretchers. Andy comes on with me. He grabs my hand.
"I knew you weren't alright Brooke!" Andy cries. An oxygen mask gets put on my face and I close my eyes. Just what I needed. I could feel my lungs filling up with air. I can hear Andy crying softly, I saw tears falling down his face. This was the first time I've seen him actually cry and not hide it or leave.
"Brooke, please be okay" he whispers.
"If she was alone she could have died, her lungs were closing up" one of the nurses say. My heart almost stops.i could have died? I fall asleep and next thing I know I wake up in my room with a sweatshirt on and my dress still. I see my dad Michael and Joe standing there and then I look over and see Andy.
"Who put the sweatshirt on me?" I ask taking off my mask.
"Me" Andy says. I sit up my breaths were full. My dad comes up and hugs me.
"I haven't seen you in a few days munchkin! You never texted me!" My dad jokes around.
"I don't know I usually walk around the hospital, haven't met anyone yet though I like having Andy" I say.
"Ah right cause he's your boyfriend!" My dad jokes. Just then the nurse comes in and tells everyone to leave. She gets the needle once again out of my arm and gives me 2 pills. I take them. My dad brothers and Andy left so I thought I would walk around. I put on leggings and a jean jacket sweatshirt. I begin walking. I'm on my phone looking at what Andy sent me when I bump into someone. A tall bald boy.
"Oh my bad, I'm sorry!" He says looking down at me.
"No no I'm sorry I should have been watching where I was going, I was checking my messages" I said rolling my eyes but not in a mean way.
"Well that makes 2 of us" he holds up his phone. There was an awkward silence.
"Well I'm Shawn!" He sticks out his hand. I shake it.
"I'm Brooke!" I say smiling. He was cute but no cuter than my Andy.
"So why are you in?" He says pointing at my red bracelet.
"Oh some lung thing, yeah you see it's a long complicated thing." I laugh.
"Oh well I have leukemia cancer" Shawn smiles at me. He has a charming smile. He was in sweatpants and a shirt.
"I'm about to go grab some lunch at moos if you want to come?" He asks.
"I don't think the nurses will let me out of here yet" I say itching my head and looking down.
"Why?" Shawn asks me.
"Long story" I say shaking my head. He walks to a table at the end of the little corner.
"I got time" I hate it when people say that.
"Okay well I was with my boyfriend yesterday going out to chives and I could feel my lungs closing but I didn't say anything because I only had a couple of hours till I had to come back here and he took me to the carnival and I really had trouble inhaling. I then fell and couldn't get up and I couldn't breathe, the nurse said I could have died if no one was there to help me, I was lucky." I say smiling.
"Oh wow, that's a nice story, but I'm glad you're better. So what's your boyfriends name?" Shawn asks.
"Andy" I say.
"Ah my girlfriends name is Emma, she actually is a patient here at this hospital" I nod.
"That's wonderful, I hope I get to meet her!" I say smiling.
"Yeah? I wanna meet Andy. Maybe we can all go out to lunch!" Shawn smiles. Just then I see a short girl walk over to us.
"Hi Shawn" I guess that was Emma. She smiles over at me.
"Hey em! This is Brooke, she's new here!" I stick my hand out. She openly takes the offer.
"Hi Brooke! I'm Emma, if you didn't guess!" She seemed nice.
"I'm in for heart failure" Emma Looks down. "You?" She then smiles again.
"I don't exactly know the name but I pretty much have lung failure, if that's a thing." I say redding up.
"And I have cancer" Shawn looks up laughing.
"Oo! You have to meet our group!" Emma grabs my hand and drags me over to another room. In there I see 3 more people.
"Who's this?" A tall boy stands up. He smiles at me.
"Brooke!" Emma smiles.
"I'm James, I have leg cancer, an easy explanation!" James smiles and winks at me.
"James don't even try, she has a boyfriend" Shawn rolls his eyes. A girl stands up she has dark red hair.
"I'm lia, I have this thing growing up my leg, I guess you can call it cancer but not exactly!" Lia sits down. Then I see a boy about the age of 14 lying there.
"That's Cody, he is in a coma." James says. They're such a warm group.
"We are all basically family, and we're welcoming you to join" Emma smiles.
"I'd love to" I blush. James comes over and puts an arm around me.
"Shawn ! Off!" Emma demands. He jumps off. Emma giggles. Andy texts me.
"Oh andys here, I have to go!"
"Invite him over here!" Shawn says patting my back. I nod and then i see turn around and try to find the room number. He walks in slowly.
"Hey andy!" I say walking over and hugging him.
"Hey! You feelin alright?" Andy kisses my cheek.
"Yeah better, let me introduce you, well over there in the flannel is James, over there with the dark red hair is lia, over there in the button up short sleeve shirt is Shawn, over there in scarf is Emma and the boy laying down is Cody" they all wave.
"Well whatcha waitin for? Get over here!" They all hug him and we all sit down and begin talking.
"So andy how long have you been saying this hottie?" James asks winking at me.
"Excuse me?" Andy asks.
"Hey just wondering she's pretty hot" Andy rolls his eyes.
"Well she's mine" he grabs my hand and I look down grabbing it back.
"Whatever Lias mine anyways" James grabs and he kisses her cheek. I can tell me and James won't get along.
"Well, how long have you two been dating?" Emma asks smiling.
"Not too long, like honestly less than a week. But we have known each other since birth and we've been basically brother and sister wow that's awkward" Andy laughs.
"I plan to spend more than a week with this chink" I smile. I used to call him chink when we were like 3 because I didn't know how to pronounce andy so I said chink. The nurse walks and grabs James.
"James, test time!" James rolls his eyes and walks out.
"So Shawn right? I've seen you before, I can't quite put my finger on it." Andy tries to remember where.
"Vine?" (yes I know this story sounds a lot like red band society but that's my fav show and no that's no Shawn mendes who I'm talking about but this Shawn is a singer) Shawn asks.
"Yes! You're a singer right?" Andy asks.
"Yes! I haven't made a vine in a couple of months, or I have but I haven't shown anything above my face." Shawn admits.
"Ah well I loved your singing" Andy smiles. He did that's basically all he ever listened to pretty much. I looked at my phone. One new message. It was my dad of course. I shrugged and ignored it. Once Lia had to go to eat dinner it was my cue to go.
"Wait! Before you go lets all exchange numbers!" So I did. I gave Emma my phone and she gave me hers, Shawn and Andy exchanged, then me and Shawn exchanged and Emma and Andy exchanged. We said goodbyes and we walked back to my room. There stood Joe. He had a box.
"What's that?" I asked curiously.
"Some package that was sent here." Joe shrugged I opened it and read the letter. Oh it was my grandfather from Florida. I opened it up and there was stuff to decorate my room. Lights, posters, some surfer stuff, Hawaii necklaces whatever they're called, and then came a huge package. I looked it up and down and opened it. A surfboard! I put against a corner and put some necklaces around it. I hung the posters against the wall. I put the surfer stuff on a shelf. I hung the lights around my room and bed.
"Fancy" Jen one of the nurses aka my favorite one said.
"Thanks!" I said smiling back at her.
"Here are some forms for classes that you can take, the ones that are checked are the ones that are mandatory, which is math and English. Those are 30 minutes. Then you have 2 more classes to choose. I looked down.
"Thank you!" She smiled and walked out.
"Wow of course surfing isn't on here" I laugh to myself. Andy sits down next to me.
"You should do art and chemistry!" Andy says to me. I shrug and decide to do that. I close the folder and walk out the room and give it to the nurse.
"What'd you choose?" Jen asks.
"Art and chemistry!" I cheer.
"You know you don't learn anything in chemistry right? You just do experiments but you'll love your teacher!" I smiled and walk back and lay on my bed.
"I wonder if I can change my covers" I yawn. Lucky for me A nurse walks in.
"Hey am I allowed to change my covers?" I ask.
"It's your room! Yeah you can!" I look at Joe and he walks out.
"Wait before you leave, have your father stop by for a little bit, we need to talk about Brooke's first surgery." I sit up.
"Wait what?" My face freezes.
"We have to put in a tube, so it's easier to get oxygen in and out!" She walks out. Sue was always a little rude but sarcastic. I really don't want surgery!
Joe walks out and me and Andy are alone.
"People are asking about you at school you know" I roll my eyes.
"People hardly even knew who I was at school and plus they're all assholes" I lay down.
"They really miss you, Lex is worried about you, so is Av" Andy says.
"What did you say?" I ask hoping he didn't tell people I was in the hospital.
"I just said you're okay and then they ask where are you and I just say you're on vacation for a little bit but you'll be back" good.
"Oh good, thanks please don't tell people I'm at the hospital." I smile at andy. He nods and then kisses me.
"Mr.Greene is still an ass" I slap his arm.
"I love mr.Greene!" He was my favorite teacher.
"Hey slinky, I got to go" he kisses me again and then leaves. I nod and then sit on my bed, I see Joe and my dad walk in. Joe has my bed spread and my dad has nothing. I cheer and thank Joe. I take off the ugly ass hospital bed spread and put on my blue yellow and orange bed spread. I then lay down. Jen comes in and they go into the office thing.
"So Brooke, when do your classes start?" Joe asks.
"Next week, I'm really excited I get to meet more people!" I roll my eyes. I go on Instagram and see a blast of comments. I decide to post a photo of me and Andy so people aren't worried. Still I get a blast of comments asking where I am. I put my phone down and not answer.

I met him at the beach..Where stories live. Discover now