What now

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I continued to get calls from Andy.
Andy: Brooke please you know I didn't mean that
It wasn't a mistake!
Brooke respond!
I didn't mean that!
I didn't mean our friendship was a mistake!
I'm sorry Brooke!
I love you please!

Each text, each call, each voice mail made me even more upset. I didn't think our kiss was a mistake at all. I decided to go to sleep. I woke up at 5 and did my normal routine. I got on my board and saw a wave so I began paddling. I popped up and I fell immediately. Every single time I fell.
My dad yelled.
"Brooke! What the hell are you doing!"
I decided to give up at 515. I went back to sleep till 730. Then I woke up and got ready. I put on a simple outfit. Leggings, sweatshirt, and vans. I put my hair in a braid and got in the car. I left my phone at the house. I went to my locker and saw Ashley there.
"Brooke are you okay?"
"What yeah?"
"Your eyes are all red?"
"I put on my glasses to make sure it's not noticeable!" Ashley gave me a huge hug.
"A boy?"
"Me and Andy kissed and he said it was a mistake and Ashley you knew I liked him!" I hugged her.
"Aw Brooke! He's no good! He doesn't know his words!" Ashley said.
"He probably loved the kiss and doesn't want to admit it!" I walked to class alone and I was not looking forward to second block.
I sat down next to Andy.
"Brooke.." Andy whispered. I sat there and continued doing my work.
"Brooke at least look at me" Andy tried to turn my face. I turned to him.
"What else are you going to say? That my life was a mistake that me and you ever talking was a mistake? What else?"
"Have-have you been crying?"
"No Andy I haven't. Now leave me alone." I could feel tear in my eyes so I asked my teacher to go to the nurse. I grabbed my books and left. I went into the bathroom and began crying.
Ashley's POV:
I went up to Andy.
"Hey Andy what's up with you and Brooke?"
"We kissed and it was a mistake, so was our friendship so was us ever talking"
"Andy? What the hell? Why are saying that? You know that's not true" what was he saying?
"It's true, every little thing I did with her was a mistake"
"Andy why are your eyes bloodshot? Have you been crying? Sobbing?"
"No just realized that I shouldn't be friends with her" Andy wiped his face.
"Ever again." Andy walked away into the boys bathroom.
Andys POV:
I couldn't make it obvious that I actually cared for what I was saying, I'd try once or twice to get her to talk to me then I'll stop. God damn I miss her. The kiss was perfect. I'm in love with her. I don't want to see her upset so why don't I just leave her alone? Obviously me being there will make her upset so I'll just stop.
Brooke's POV:
I went down to the nurse and said I had a headache so I laid down and rested my eyes. I heard a familiar voice come into the nurses office.
"Hi I have a splitting headache." It was andy. I got up and left.
"Hi thank you so much, it really helped!" I smiled. Me and Andy looked at each other. I went back to class. During 3rd block me and Andy didn't even talk. 4th I felt better because I could actually relax. 5th block sucked. Walking down to lunch was lonely. I sat with Ashley.
"Brooke I have bad news... I talked to Andy and he said you two kissing, being best friends, talking, and every little thing was a mistake, but it looked like he was crying earlier I don't think he was okay" I looked down.
"Ashley. I'm in love with him. My heart broke into a million pieces. I thought me and him could be something. I loved hanging out with him, now it's gone and he never wants to talk to me ever again" I looked down and I just sat there. Ashley tried to comfort me, Andy looked over a few times and Ashley looking over and rolling her eyes at him and his boys trying to cheer him up and him just sitting there. Walking back up was lonely. I was looking down and I ran into someone.
"I'm sor- oh... It's you.." He held out his hand to help me up but I got up myself. I started walking alone back to class.
"Brooke wait." I stopped.
"Why are you even trying to talk to me? I heard what you said to Ashley and honestly why didn't you tell me this when you started feeling like I was a mistake, you were different Andy that's why we got along but apparently you're just another one of those jerks and Andy I was hurt but apparently you don't even care how I feel."
"Brooke I'm in love with you!" Andy spit out.
"So that's how you treat someone when you're in love with them?" I asked angrily.
"Brooke I didn't think you enjoyed that kiss so I said it was a mistake just to make you happy! When you got upset I knew you didn't want to talk to me and I wanted you to be happy and I knew I wasn't making you happy so I just stopped and saying that to Ashley would make you happier so I could get out of your life because that's what you wanted!" Luckily everyone was outside or at lunch so they didn't hear this.
"Andy I was in love with you! I loved that kiss, I wanted to be something with you! I loved you for so long! Now it's December and now what? We're just gonna throw away our 14 year friendship, then go ahead andy, my heart is already crushed you can't crush it anymore!" I stormed off and Andy grabbed my arm and he pulled me into a kiss. Tears were rolling down my face. He wrapped his strong arms around me and kissed my forehead.
"Brooke I love you" he was holding me.
I actually felt safe.

I met him at the beach..Where stories live. Discover now