What were we?

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"Brooke I'm sorry" he whispered in my ear throughout the hug. We looked up at each other once the bell rung and we walked up to class.
"Can we pretend.. That this.. Never happened?" I asked innocently.
"It'd be better if we did" Andy said while putting me in a headlock.
"Andy! Put my head down!" I said laughing. He let go.
"Hey Brooke, I have a surfing competition tonight, wanna go? Me and my team are going against sunset beach boys, ugh they annoy me so much they cheat their way to the top!"
"Yes Andy id love to go!" I didn't know what we were now, friends? Friends with benefits? But without the occasional hooking up, just we're friends but we like each other? Do we have a thing? Are we dating? What are we? Once we got back to class we sat down next to each other and started laughing. I'm close to my Spanish teacher, I get away with talking.
"Oo Brooke and Andy!" She said whistling.
"SEÑORA" we began laughing.
"Let's come up with a name for them!" My friend Maya said.
"Bandy? Brandy? HAHAHAHAH! Brandy! Like your first sons name!" Ashley said.
"Or how about none!" I said sarcastically. The whole class shouts
"Brandy! Brandy! Brandy! Brandy! Brandy! Brandy!" We look at each other at laugh.
I take out my phone and text Andy a question.
Me: andyyyy
Andy looks down at his phone and looks back at me.
Andy: what?
Me: we gotta talk pal
Andy looks at me confused.
Andy: about??
Me: okay how do I put this well you see I'm in love with you
I hit send and realized what I just said, my face goes red.
Andy: we already been through this Brooke, when I screamed I'm in love with you?
Andy pulls me out of the classroom and we go to the hallway.
"Brooke, I am truly and honestly in love with you. I've liked you since the 6th grade Brooke, each year I started liking you more!"
"Yeah Andy I love you. And I wanted to know what are we? Friends? Do we have a thing? What?" I asked looking at him.
"Brother and sister right now" Andy walks back into the classroom and sits next to his best friend Patrick. I walk in confused but then sit next to Ashley.
"Brandy split up?" My Spanish teacher asks.
"No I don't think so" I say laughing.
I was confused, we are practically in love with each other, kissed twice and we're still like brother and sister? He's liked me for 3 years, I've liked him for 4 months. I don't want to be like that, I want to be something more. Me and Andy couldn't stop looking back at each other until the bell rang and we sat back next to each other.
"Hey brandy" I squealed of laughter.
"Hola, cómo estas?..... Muy bien!" Señora started. We then started working on our project for our heroes. I walked over to señora to ask a question.
"So you and Andy are dating?" She smirks.
"No no! We are not!" I say laughing.
"Ask him out then" she says smiling.
"Like right now?"
"Yeah right here right now" señora smirks at me.
"Hey Andy!" I screamed. The whole class looks at me.
"What" Andys face turned red.
"Will you go out with Me" I say almost laughing.
"No I'm good I'm already going out with 1/2 of brandy" I started bursting out in laughter. So did the class.
"Okay what's your question."
"Can you read this over?" Señora reads over my essay and approves.
"Andy the essay got approved!"
"Oh good that means I didn't make any spelling errors!" I roll my eyes at Andy and walk back.
"Did you like my response? Cause I'm dating myself?" Andy laughs at his own joke.
Then the final bell rings and it's time for me to get ready for the surfing competition for Andy. This competition is basically huge, the whole school goes and so does other schools because sunset beach are our biggest surfing rivals.

I met him at the beach..Where stories live. Discover now