It went down far

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I texted Andy to come over and 10 minutes later he walks right in.
"THERES MY BROO!" Joe screams.
"WOOOO" Matty screams
"MY LIL MAN" my dad screams
"AHHHH" they all scream. I roll my eyes.
"IM HERE" Andy screams back at them while doing the rock signal.
"Come on Andy" we go up in my room.
We jump on my bed. I looked out my balcony, my door was open.
"Wow those waves are nice" I said looking over at Andy. No comment.
"Andy?" I said. Still no comment. I get up off my bed.
"Andy" I said sternly. He doesn't answer.
"Andy!" I said almost yelling. He doesn't answer, he's on his phone. I take his phone and lock myself in my closet so he doesn't get me. All I see is a heart and I look down at his phone
Andy: I love you boo <3
but my name wasn't on that screen and he never sent that to me. I read the contact. Ashley. Her response
I hope Brooke doesn't find out about "us" she would be pissed, but at least we're in love :*
I dropped his phone.
I opened the closest door.
I just looked at Andy, no words tears were forming in my eyes. Andy picked up his phone.
"Brooke... I can explain" words could hardly come out of my mouth. If I spoke I would cry.
"Leave." Tears began rolling down my cheek.
"Brooke no let me explain" he grabbed my arm lightly.
"Get off of me Andy. I don't need to hear your excuse. Leave now. I never want to see you again" I was crying, Andy could see the pain in my eyes.
"You told me you loved me. Obviously you were lying" I said as I opened the door to lead him out. It was probably around 7:30 at night by now. I slammed the door and locked it. I slid down the door crying.
"I just want my mom" I was bawling out my eyes now. I now had no one to talk to. My phone buzzed. My wiped my tears and got up slowly to see who it is. I read the contact and I threw my phone. It was andy. I began throwing things against the wall.
"I want my mom! I want to be okay!" Tears were streaming down my face. I picked up a random frame and threw it. I saw it break and realized what picture it was. I walked over and picked up the broken frame.
"Why!why!why!" I threw the frame of me and my mom. I laid down on my bed. My bed got wet within seconds or at least the spot I was laying my head in. I heard banging at the door.
"Brooke? Brooke! Open this door immediately!" It was Joe. I didn't answer.
"Brooke!" Joe screamed once more. "Mommy" I cried quietly. My makeup was running. I heard the door break and Joe came running in. He saw me on laying on my bed crying. Books thrown on the floor. Glass all over. Scratches on the wall. Clothes knocked over. Jewelry hanging. Posters ripped. Joe ran over to me.
"Brooke?" He whispered to me.
"I broke the frame of me and mommy, I broke her, I broke the family, I broke my relationship with all my friends, I broke myself, I want to disappear, I'm not good enough for anyone" I cried I was screaming. Joe picked me up. He rushed me downstairs. I was still crying, he decided to pick me up and take me to the hospital. I don't know why he did that. I was having trouble breathing actually, I felt my lungs closing, I needed oxygen, I had bruises on my arms and on my cheek and down my legs from things like glass, wood, metal, and a lamp hitting me when I would throw it. I was bleeding to on the bottom of my feet. Glass was stuck at the bottom of it. There was a cut on the palm of my hand from the glass accidentally cutting me with it. I threw up in the car and in my room from crying too much. It was probably actually good that he took me to the hospital. I fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the hospital room. I had one of those oxygen masks. Joe was sitting there.
"Joe...?" I asked quietly. He looked up.
"Brooke! You're okay!" He said smiling. Joe got out a sweatshirt and sweatpants for me to put on. I took the offer and sorta put them on, Joe had to help me. The doctor came in.
"Hello Brooke! I'm going to have to have you stay here awhile, keep the mask on for about 10 more minutes to have your lungs filled, we figured out the problem and we are going to move you to a patient room in the kids hospital, don't worry you'll meet lots of people there! Joe will you meet me outside." Joe walked out all I heard from the doctor was Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. I remember learning about that in class, it's when you can't exhale normally I believe. Joe walked back in.
"Hey Brooke one of the nurses is going to push you on a wheelchair to your room, I'll be back while I get your clothes and then you can change into something better" Joe patted my head then left. The nurse took the needle out of my arm and out a bandaid on it. She then took the oxygen mask off.
"Here come on!" She helped me into the wheelchair. We waited in the elevator then we got into my room, I was with no one.
"This will be your room for the next few weeks maybe a few months, let me explain what basically will happen. Well your father and brothers are coming down now, they don't have to stay if you don't want them to. We will be doing tests on you and you will be going to school here. You should be out in a matter of no time. Your brother will be bringing you your phone don't worry ahahahaha, and whenever you're not doing tests or surgery, or you're in school you can travel but you will need to come back before 8 unless you have a reason to stay later and you have to take your oxygen mask for at least 20 minutes, before and after!" She smiled and gave me a high five then left. I see Joe my dad and Michael walk in. My dad hugged me. Michael smiled at me. Joe brought in my suitcase. I walked into the bathroom and changed into something decent. Maroon clown pants and a white crop top with a gray sweater and I put on my white vans and my hair in a bun and re did my make up. Joe handed me my phone. I plugged it in and it turned on. 102 texts from Andy, 46 texts from Ashley. I decided I would reply to andy.
Me: Andy I don't want to hear it. You told me you loved me when you didn't. I was in love with you

Andy. Honestly you're shallow.
Andy: Brooke what happened? Your dad called me and told me you were in the hospital!
I looked up at my dad.
"Why'd you tell Andy that I was in the hospital" I asked very annoyed.
"So he could visit!" My dad said joyfully. I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna stay with you this whole time" my dad smiled.
"No you're actually not, I'm a patient here for a few weeks or months, you can go now actually, it'd be better I'm still a little rough and I don't want a lot of people around. I'll text you when to come back though" I said and my dad shook his head.
"Are you sure Brooke, I really don't want leave you" my dad said.
"I'm positive I'm anyways going to walk around and see this place" my dad nodded. He hugged me and so did my brothers and they left. I texted Andy back.
Me: yeah and you care why?

Andy: because I'm worried about you!

Me: explains why you would play a girls emotions like that

Andy: I'm coming to the hospital

Me: you step foot into this hospital I will scream and say you caused this, here that? Don't you even think about coming. You're the last person I want to see.
I rolled my eyes and walked around the hospital. It was a pretty big place. I got back up in 10 minutes though. I was walking to my room when the nurse stopped me.
"You have a visitor" the nurse said I walked in and of course I saw the boy I didn't want to see.
"What the hell are you doing here, you're pathetic" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.
"I was worried about you Brooke"
"I wasn't worried about you Andy, you're a pathetic loser that I wish I never met. I wish I never fell in love with you. You're such a jerk. You played me andy. I sat home bawling my eyes out. 2 minutes after crying my lungs were already closing up and guess what it's why I'm in here. I was throwing things at the wall Andy. My room is all scratched up glass was in my foot glass scratched my hands, wood was thrown and it hit my knees arm and my cheek. This wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't of lied and told me you loved me when you didn't and play me." Andy took a big gulp.
"I made a mistake with Ashley" Andy said looking down.
"Andy honestly I want to curse my head off at you! I want to punch you in the face. I was in love with you! L-O-V-E! What do you not understand! I lost my best friends because one of them is a slut and one of them is a player! They apparently couldn't keep their eyes off each other! I hate you Andy Parker I never want to see your face ever again!" I began crying. I broke. Andy just stood there. I saw tears forming in his eyes. He didn't make any sound but tears were rolling down his cheeks. There we were two people crying. I then saw the slut walk in.
"Brooke! Please we need to talk! I didn't know you and Andy were a thing! You never told me! I asked you before and you said he was too close for you to ever like him! Andy never told me!" I looked up and I could tell Ashley was telling the truth I always knew when she was lying.
"Is that true..." I asked quietly.
"Yes!" She cried. I looked at Andy.
"I can't believe you Andy" I looked right at him tears filling my eyes.
"I'm sorry." Is all he could say.
Ashley said to me "I'm not in love with him I'm in love with KC! You know that!" Ashley continued. I walked over to hug her. Andy was frozen. Tears were just falling off his cheeks and he just stood there.
"What was I thinking. I told myself everyday that I had the girl of my dreams, I never thought I would lose her. I took advantage of that, I took advantage of the fact that the girl I was crazy into was crazy into me, the night we went on the date I was going to ask you out but then I thought, I want to make her wait so then I can text other girls because I wouldn't be cheating. I didn't like texting any other girls. I acted like I did. I didn't smile when any of them texted me back, I only smiled when you texted me back. I'm still crazy in love with you but you aren't in love with me. I miss you already I miss whenever I would see you you would smile I miss when we were our normal selves. Hell Brooke I miss you"
"I miss you but you aren't what i want. You broke my heart. Maybe that's why I had a freakin mental breakdown yesterday, because the boy I was in love with and I showed my family off to played me. You acted the same when you came over yesterday. That shows you never even thought twice about me" I looked at him.
"Because I texted Ashley when I was over your house yesterday. That's why I wasn't answering. I knew what I did wrong. I couldn't take it back. I texted Ashley saying you're beautiful I love you and she said aw I love you and I said thanks boo and then she said that and after that I realized what I did wrong. I realized I messed everything up!" Andy was now screaming.
"Go away Andy" I was almost screaming.
"No. No. Brooke please!" He was begging.
"Go away Andy!" I yelled.
"You're all I want you're all I have" he screamed.
"Go away!" I yelled. He looked at me silently, tears streaming down his face.
"I want you to be happy and that's not me." He said crying. Slowly he left. Ashley looked at me. I nodded and she left.

I met him at the beach..Where stories live. Discover now