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Park Minjee POV [O]

Its lunch time and everyone its at the dining room . This palace is the same as our palace but its kinda have a lot of darker interior design well im not surprised its vampire we talking about , of course its gonna be kinda dark and eerie . It will be scarier if they designed their palace with rainbow or colorful things . But do no assume the person here like that to , they were actually really friendly and caring towards me .

"Hi , Minjee right? Im Park Munhee , Jimin older sister", a young beautiful girl with green hair that i never expected that vampire into such colour , approach me with a gentle smile .

"Ouh , hi Munhee . Its nice to meet you", i said with a bright smile . Then , she turns to Jimin that behind her all this time ,"Oh my Jimin! She is a goddess that fell from the sky . Look at her bright smile and beautiful eyes . Man , you're the luckiest man on earth ", she said while patting Jimin shoulder . Jimin smiled and said ,"Im sure am", then he secretly send me a wink behind her sister back . I look away with a blush on my face .

Kim Seokjin POV [V]

Its D-day , the big day . The day that we can find the truth of our confusion . I think its a good thing that Jimin and Minjee here with us . They really help a lot . She have some knowledge that vampire don't know if the werewolves itself didn't tell us . She tell us about their past stories , they abilities and their habits .

Jimin cant stop admire his mate and always looks towards her with loving eyes and its the same for her . They actually develop same feelings to each other ever since they spent their times together . Man , now i miss Miera . Its been to long since we spent time alone together . Yoongi suggest me to tell Hobi and Miera to join our discussion today .

Im at the counter and ask the worker for a private room . I own a private room in this cafe that its quite big so we can discuss without any distraction . I ask Yoongi to tell Namjoon and Hobi to mention my name at the counter so the workers will lead them to this room when they reach here .

Currently in the room have me (Jin) , Jimin , Minjee , Yoongi , Munhee waiting for them to be here . Suddenly the room's door being knocked and one of the workers said that my guests have arrived . Its was both kind which are the werewolves and humans .

Namjoon suddenly ask ,"Hmm.. Mr Kim , why did you ask Mr Jung to be here too?" Before i even answered Miera cut me out by saying ,"Jinnie , i miss you!", while jumping on me . I just smiled and said ,"I miss you too baby". I let go of her and go greet Namjoon and Hobi that stay still at the door , maybe surprised by Miera sudden high notes . "Well , i think that answered your question right?", I said while looking towards Miera that beside me .

Namjoon with Tae , Y/n , Jungkook , Hanie , and a girl with unfamiliar face named Sungmin which is Jungkook's twin . Hobi just come with Miera . Suddenly Munhee talks made us shocked ,"Wait guys! I scents him as my mate" , while pointed towards Hobi . "Woaw , are you saying that im your mate?", Hobi said with wide eyes but excited tones . She just bites her lower and nodded slowly .

What made everyone even more shocked are , Hobi almost immediately hugged Munhee and said that he was so happy .
Then he said ," You know , i always want to have a fate mate like this . The moment i know about Miera and Jin , I can't help but feeling jealous towards them", with his signature sunshine smiled . Munhee talked ,"Did you just believe what i just tell you? I mean just like that? You didn't want to ask further?", with a disbelief face . "Yes, i trust you and i know vampires and werewolves never lie about something like this especially mates", Hobi said with a confident tones .

After everyone settle down and have their own sits in the room . We start our discussion , Hobi said that their kind never have past story about mix mates so its just up to vampires and werewolves to go through our past stories .

I talks that made every eyes on me ,"Well the thing is .. i have made some research about our past kind and i found something", i show Namjoon a piece of paper and continued ,"In this paper said that actually my father which is the current leader have four siblings and one of it being chased from our palace because... He have werewolves as his mate".

"The royals can't except her as their son's mate . That man have to choose between his mate or his family and guess what did he choose?", I ask no one in particular . Namjoon answered me ,"He choose HER" . "Exactly , so the royals wiped his history even his name from the family names", i said made everyone gasped . "So , i ask Yoongi to search about them . Yoongs , what do you find?" , while looks towards him .

"I found their house address but I don't know if they still be there , i also found out that they have a daughter and the one that interest me is that .. their daughter have mix bloods of both kind", Yoongi said with serious faced . "Wow , really? What do you mean by mix?" , Namjoon ask with confused faced . Yoongi said ,"She is a Vampire but an Omega too . She also really popular in her area". Jimin suddenly interrupt by saying ,"I bet she is .. who didn't want to know her right?" , And unexpected he get a strong slap at the back if his neck by Minjee because of his words just now . That made everyone let out some laughs and its actually made the situation less serious , well thanks to Jimin humors words .

"I think we have to meet them , to know more right?", Hobi suggest to us . "Yeah, i think thats the best . Then we can discuss this further later", i answered Hobi question . "Yoongs are we free until this weekend?", I ask Yoongi . He just nodded as yes . "How about you two?", I ask Namjoon and Hobi , they go through their phones to check their schedules and they said yes too . This weekend gonna be interesting huh??


Chapter 18 done💕

The pic above is the private room in the cafe .

Btw HAPPY ARMY DAY!💜 Hope we can always be happy and stay together with the boys until the end💕

Sorry for the late updated .. Votes and Comments my readers❤️

And thank you for still be here to read my shit😁

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