Chapter Two

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So...Yes me and Cody have dated in the past. I was 13, he was my first love. He made me feel so special, and I've never felt special before. But... We didn't last long, only three months, but to me that wasn't long enough. I wanted our relationship to last forever.

Our relationship meant everything to me. He gave me the chills when we would hang out. I was always adored by the way he looked and the way he flirted with me consistently. He made me the happiest girl in the world and he still does.

Also, I had my first kiss with him, so obviously he made me happy. Everybody says your first kiss is horrifying, but mine...mine was different, it was unique, it was absolutely graceful and I cherish every moment of it.

We hang out at this park next to my house constantly, that's where we had our first kiss. We were with our friends Kaylee and Derek. Derek told us to go on a walk so we did, me and Cody walked around for hours and we finally rested at this little house thingy. I don't really know what it was, but whatever it was, thank god it was there because it made our privacy comforting.

It was spring, and there were leaves on the ground and on the trees. We were sort of standing on a hill because I remember standing on the low part of the hill and him complaining how I was shorter than him. He was standing on the tall part of the hill and I complained how he was taller than me, but I didn't mind his height, it was cute.

I remember him asking for a hug, so I gave him a hug. I felt safe, comforted and mostly comfortable in his arms. I've never felt that way with anyone else. Just being in his arms made me feel so magical. I remember looking up at him, into his gazing hazel eyes, and he looked down into my brown eyes. Right at that exact moment is when I Carly Marie Smith locked lips with the most important person to me on this planet.

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