Chapter Eleven

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Tomorrow came quicker then I thought it would..
It was 2:00 in the afternoon and me and Cody were on our way to the doctors for Cody's doctor appointment. Ever since Cody told me yesterday he had cancer, I've been so careful with him. I've never been this worried in my life. I can't believe he didn't tell me that he had cancer, I wanted to be mad at him but I know I couldn't be because that would hurt him more than he already is.

We arrived at St. Louis hospital at 2:30. I held on to Cody's hand as we walked inside, checked in and waited for the doctor to call us in. After another half an hour, we finally got called in and I was so nervous.

Me and Cody walked down this long corridor and finally reached out room. It was in the corner of the corridor and when we entered it, all I could see was dull walls, wood countertops and cabinets, a hospital bed, a small TV and a bathroom. Cody sat on the bed and I sat beside him squeezing his hand and the lady who brought us in said the nurse would be in soon and she walked back outside into the corridor disappearing.

For some reason this hospital scared me, it was always plain, dull and dark. It creeped me out and gave me the chills even. All I was hoping for was for Cody to be okay, that's all I ever wanted.

After about 10 minutes the nurse entered the room. I saw her name tag, it said "alexandrea." She had black hair being interrupted with blonde hair, green eyes and she was kind of short.

She reached the bed me and Cody were sitting on and she started asking Cody questions. She told Cody he was going to have to go through tests in a few minutes to see if the cancer was still there, if it was getting worse or better and to see if he had to stay over night. She then said the doctor would come in shortly to take Cody to do the tests and she left the room.

After she left, I stared at Cody forever, I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. I was so worried and wanted all the tests to come back positive but I wasn't sure what was going to happen. I couldn't think about loosing him, it hurt so much. I never wanted to loose him and especially not like this.

15 minutes later the doctor came in. She told us what each test was about, there were 3. One was to check if the cancer was still there. So if that one came back positive, then Cody wouldn't have to take any more tests, but if it came back negative he had to take the next one. Which was... To check what type of cancer it was and where it was. Then he would have to take a last test, to see if it was getting better or getting worst and possibly the outcomes. There would be one test at a time, the doctor explained and told Cody to get ready for the first test. The doctor left and me and Cody hugged each other, and kissed quickly before the doctor came back in and took Cody away.

I sat in the bed crying, hoping the cancer went away. I turned on the tv watching what was on, not being able to stop thinking about Cody. It was already 5:00 and I was waiting for Cody to come back. The day was going by really slow. I felt the baby kick a few times, and when she did all I could think of was Cody. Nobody's ever meant so much to me like he does.

5 minutes after 6:00 passed, Cody finally came back into the room with the doctor beside him. Cody sat down beside me hugging me tight and he started to cry in my shirt, which obviously meant bad news... The doctor stood in front of us and said that the test came back negative and she was truly sorry. She then left.

I hugged Cody tighter than ever, I felt like I was gonna pass out. I would feel so lost without him.



All I could hear was his sobbing in my shirt.

"Everything's going be okay... Okay?" I frowned.

He looked up at me and he said "no it's not."

I suddenly began to cry harder than before and the doctor walked back in and telling us to get ready for the 2nd test.

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