Chapter 1- Pilot

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Lili, a 25 year old young actress, already at the top in hollywood and Cole, a 29 year old photographer also involved in the Real Estate Business.

They had been family friends for as long as they can remember, they even dated when Lili was 18 and Cole was 22 for 3 years.

They didn't exactly end on good terms and didn't stay in contact after their break up.

Only there parents were in contact and involved in doing business together.

They currently had fallen into a loss trap and had due thousands of dollars to pay to the government.

Some Law stated that if they were family, they would only have to pay half of the tax combined.

They decided to marry off Lili and Cole.

According to them, since they were kids, they were destined to be together. 

both living on their own in New York and both got a call at the same time.

•November 2nd•

" yes mom" Lili answered her phone.

" i need you to come home in another 30 minutes"

" why?"

" something important, can't tell you over call"

" okay i'll be there"

Lili showered and got ready to meet her mom.

She reached her childhood home.

" heyy" Tess said as she opened the door for her sister to enter.

" heyy tessie" Lili teased.

" don't call me that" Tess frowned.

Lili laughed and ruffled her hair.


" hi mom" i said as i saw my mom sitting on the counter.

" Lili, sit down"

" okay" i said confused and sat down in front of her, as Tess placed herself besides me.

" what is the important thing you wanted to talk about?"

" you are getting married in another 3 weeks" mom said looking down.

" WHAT?!" Lili and Tess said together.

" i am getting married?"

" yes" she replied.

" what the bloody fuck"

" lili language"

" to whom?" Lili asked.

" to cole"

" TO COLE?!" I screamed.

" don't scream"


" because i and his dad are almost bankrupt"

" SO?!"

" we have to pay thousands of dollars to the government, tax. so if we are connected by family, it'll get cut by more than half"

" MOM!"

" i'm sorry Lili for doing this to you, Chloe is in medical school and Tess is too small, i have to pay for education and food and i am in a lot of loss."

" i'm the stuck one" she groaned.

" Cole and you dated also, so there won't be any surprises"

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