Chapter 1: A Fateful Encounter

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Before this story begins, I want to say, my other story is hard to write for me and I'm running out of ideas. This one, is more wholesome, and I think it'll just be a lot easier. I might delete my old story, who knows. But it'll be on pause for now while I write this one. Please respect me for that and enjoy this book. I'll try and finish it quickly, writing a chapter every day to every other day to finish it as soon as possible. Once finished, if I decide to keep my other book, aka "The Fate of Dear Yashiro" then I'll continue on that. I might just delete it, though. Again, who knows, just please respect me and encourage me on this one. Thank you, enjoy chapter one!! <3
Third person: Nene Yashiro/ Princess/ Future queen
Tip toe.
Sneaky sneaky.
That's what she had to be.
The girl couldn't sleep, not on a night like this.
She was only about seven at the time, and she had recently had a nightmare. Going back to sleep meant for those horrid views to return.

Slowly approaching down the stairs, she could hear chatter about. She recognized two of the voices, one her mothers and the other her fathers. Also know as the king and queen.
She couldn't hear them, not well, but just enough to get a hint of what they were saying.
"When my daughter turns sixteen, she'll become queen and marry your son."

That was her fathers voice.
Her, queen? Her, marrying someone?!
This wasn't news she wanted to receive.
Running back upstairs, not even caring what sounds she made, she stumbled back to her bed and pulled the cover over her face.
This wasn't something she wanted.
But at the age of seven.. who knows what she could be thinking.
Glancing at the window, she opened it to see the night sky's beauty.
The moon, the stars...
She loved them.
Oh how, if she didn't live in this dumb castle, she'd love to visit there one day.

One day.. with a friend.

Eyes squinting and moving, she tried to see the moon better. But a tree covered most of it.
That wouldn't stop Yashiro.

Nothing could.
The tree covering the beautiful non earthly surface was right by her window, leaving her with much advantage. Grasping onto the tree, she jumped and landed into a big branch. It wasn't that big, no. But for her youngling self it should be able to carry her.

For about a minute.

Now with better view, she cheerfully watches the moon and stars without any obstacles.
But something wasn't right.
Within seconds, the branch snapped, leaving the princess no standing ground.
Gravity would pull her down, and fast.
But.. she was really high up.
She could not do much but shut her eyes tight, and remain silent as her world fell into pitch black.

Time passed. Hours, minutes, seconds?! She wasn't sure. But her world regained color as she sat up. She was outside still, but her surroundings showed she wasn't anywhere near the spot she collapsed by.
Looking down, she sat in a meadow like place. She recognized the area quickly. Flowers blooming, crickets chirping, fireflies buzzing. That's right, this was the castles garden not far from her room.

But how did she end up here...?
Her question was soon answered.

"Hey, you're awake!"
She heard the voice of a young boy nearby. Turning, she saw him. He looked to be her age, yellowish eyes, brownish hair, kiiindaaaa cutteeee...

"I'm Amane Yugi. I saw you falling, and caught you before you could hit ground! But.. you had knocked out by then.."

Him saying that, reminded her of the fall.
How it felt.
How horrifying it was.
Tears spitting out her eyes, she jumped to the boy without thought, now hugging him with tight grip.

"Hey, hey, shhh.. it's okay..."
She sat, crying and crying.
She could've died.

She stopped liking the moon after that.
"Just let it out. It's okay."

He was so warm.. and comforting...
They were total strangers, and yet he didn't mind her acting such way with him at all...
What a gentleman. Kind hearted, too. Don't forget cute.

What seemed to be hours later, she finally let go, sniffing out her last bit of tears.

"Thank you, amane.."

"Of course! Anything for a pretty lady."

Pretty... lady..?

"W-who are you, anyway? I've never seen you before..."

"Yeah, well, princess, unlike you, I'm not so high in roles. You'd outta be lucky to be cared for so. I'm a worker. Or rather, your parents slave.


"Oh, I'm so sorry..."

She wanted to help him, like how he helped her.
"Oh, it's fin-"

"I know!!"
She interrupted, getting ahold on an idea.
"When I grow up, I'll marry you! You'll get high role then, right?"

"Okay then, princess."
"But you have to promise me something, first!"
Hm...? What's that?"

"Protect me, forever and ever! Like you did today!!"
"Promise, cutie."
she held out her pinky at him.
"Pinky promise...?"
He smiled, putting his pinky with hers.
"Pinky promise."

But, in reality...
Not everything goes the way you want it to.

"There she is!!" Someone shouted in the distance.
She knew that voice.
Her mother's.

"H-hey! It's that dumb boy! She kidnapped him!!"
"What? No, mommy, he-"

"Guards, get him."

She turned around, gasping at the sight of royal guards grasping the boy's arms.
They took him away.
Far, far away...
"But he.. he didn't do anything..."

"Why so sad, dear? He tried to kidnap you, maybe kill you!!"
"He didn't- mommy, I like him!!"

She watched as her mother went from confused emotion to furious.
She turned to her husband, saying
"Can you take her to that place..?"
"That place?"
"Yep. She needs to forget everything that happened today. My daughter should not have such feelings for a slave such as himself.
"Okay, will do."

She felt as her father grabbed onto her, same as those men did to Amane, dragging her away.

...she wouldn't remember any of this.
And the boy would disappear into her mind, being sucked away and forgotten.

And that's how this fairy tale started.

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