Chapter 2: An Early Birthday Suprise

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Third person: Nene Yashiro/ Princess/ Future queen
Beauty sleep.
That's what Princesses get, right?

No, that's only in movies.
Instead, the girl known as princess Nene Yashiro, or future queen, was awoken first thing at 7am by a royal guard.

"The sun is awake and so should you." Her mother was always say when she asked why such a time. And if she tried to go back into slumber, she'd get screeched at by the queen, or sometimes a guard whenever she was lazy.

Walking to prepare to something, her mother pulled her aside.
"Happy birthday!!!"


"Hah, funny. Mom, my birthday is in three days.
"I know! I meant, I have a early birthday present for you!"

"An early present...?"
Her eyes lit, showing excitement. Normally, all she'd get for her birthday was clothes and more classes to attend. But if it was an "early present"...
Maybe it'd be something special..?

She looked up at her mom, curiously smiling.
"Well, what is it? I don't see anything.."
"Look again!" She said, pointing behind her.
Yashiro turned.
There stood a blond man with blue eyes, bowing the second she glanced at him.
"Another guard? Uh.. thanks?"
"No, honey. He's your... arranged husband!"
"Oh, okay."
Her smiled faded, eyebrows twitching.
"Arranged marriage? You're kidding."
"I'm Kou Minamoto, the prince from the kingdom next door. Nice to meet you, your highness."
The boy said, still bowing.
She couldn't believe it.
Her, marrying him?
He wasn't even her type.
And, she didn't love him. This wasn't right.
She knew she'd have to get married one day, because when she became queen the kingdom would need a king, but she thought she'd be able to choose.
Not forced.

"You'll be getting married on your birthday."
On her birthday, too?!
The radish legged girl couldn't believe this.
"Now then, continue your daily routine. You'll have chance to talk to the prince tomorrow.

Every morning was the same schedule.
Get up, get dressed, stumble downstairs into the main room and sit onto a couch with silence. This was mourning time for her father who passed away seven years ago. She'd always wear black, since that's all the servants ever put on her bed for when she awoke. It made sense, yes, but black wasn't her color. Her colors where more of pink or green.
After about thirty minutes of silently sitting with the royals, she'd be free to wander the castle to the music room. Here, she would practice piano for another hour. After, she had speech classes and writing classes. It was overall a boring schedule, with almost no fun activities planned.
But her favorite part...

At 8pm the girl was dismissed to bed. And no wasn't an option.
Sneaky sneaky.
That's what she was.
That's what she always was.
Ever since young age, she always sneaked around her bedtime to explore. Even if it was the same old boring places, it was better then just sitting there, struggling to sleep.

Time: 8:03 pm

Tip-toeing over to her window, she opened it ever so silently.
Opening it, there stood a tree.
Her least favorite one.
And this was the hard part.

She didn't remember why or how, but she just knew she had a bad history with this tree. She never liked it. Not one bit. And at this time, she'd always climb tree's. Just not this one.
But unfortunately, she had no choice.

She slowly put one of her legs onto a thick tree branch, then putting the other there and hugging herself to the tree.
Now, getting down.
The tree branches were formed almost like stairs, making it rather easily to climb down.
There was a branch missing. Must've fallen down or something. It was just never there.
With or without it, though, she was always able to reach the bottom. Same results today.

Now at the ground, she walked over to a house nearby. Next to the kingdom lived very rich but nice people. A girl lived there who had become Yashiro's best friend. Her name, Aoi Akane.
And there stood Aoi outside the house, waiting for her.

"Greetings, Nene-Sama! Sorry, can't talk long today, I've got company arriving soon for dinner!"

"Oh, I see."

"You alright? You look.. saddened?

"Well, actually-"
And so she sat, laying in the meadow with her friend, spilling the news she'd heard recently.

"You're getting married?! Forcefully?
That's so wrong! But..."
She leaned in, whispering to Yashiro,
"I've heard about Kou-Sama. He's quite the gentleman. And a smile you can't resist."

Yashiro pushed the girl back, ever so slightly.
"No! I don't care about that- I- I want to marry someone I actually really love..."

"Do you know anyone of some sort?"
"No.. but.. I still don't want to marry Kou-Sama. I don't have feelings for him, and probably never will."

"I see, makes sense. But knowing your mom, there's no way to stop this. I'd say just try to get to know him, and at least become friends by your wedding. You'll be kissing, after all. Besides, you know what you always say! 'Take chances!' So why not try it?"
Aoi replied, grinning.

That's right. Yashiro would always say "takes chances." It was her phrase. She'd say it to Aoi when she was near the state of wanting to give up. Radish girl to save the day, saying, "takes chances!"
Wow, she really sounded like Ms. Frizzle from that Magic School Bus cartoon. "Takes chances, make mistakes!" Right?

"Okay, thanks Aoi-Chan."
"No problem! Anything for my fri-"
A bell rang nearby. Turning, she saw a figure appearing to be Aoi's mother.

"Oh, that's the dinner bell! Gotta go, bye Nene-Sama!"

The girls waved at each other with a calming smile, returning to both of their homes.

Back at her royal grounds, the girl glanced up into the sky.
The moon.
Oh how she hated it.

She never remembered why, actually. She just had this feeling, and always hated it ever since.

Turning away, the girl climbed on her bed and threw covers over herself, shutting her eyes tight.

Tomorrow, she'd have to talk to the boy known as Kou Minamoto, the prince of a kingdom nearby.
She'd be able to skip her regular schedule, at least. So there's something.
Yawning, the radish legged princess fell into deep slumber. And tomorrow was to come.

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