Chapter 3: A Not So Wanted Visit

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Third Person: Nene Yashiro/ Princess/ Future queen
Without explanation, the future daikon Queen was hurled onto a train.
Reason most likely being Kou. She assumed that this whole train mess was to see him.
Yesterday, the prince had come to her castle to explore it. When they married, he'd live there. But today, the boy couldn't make it. Reasons unknown. So before Yashiro could even prepare herself, she was on a train driving towards the neighboring kingdom.

If she wasn't the princess, people would stare at her so. She wasn't ready at all, still wearing a gown and hair tangly. She hadn't even looked as if royalty still claimed her, but the fat legs gave it away.
Fat legs = Princess

Seating herself down, she sighed in defeat.
Wether she likes it or not, as Aoi had said, she'd have no choice but to marry prince Kou Minamoto. Did Yashiro like this? Not at all. But with her mom, saying, "no" isn't an option. It never was.

Time flew by rather slow. But eventually, the girl would arrive at her stop.
Shifting downward, she waved goodbye to all still inside the vehicle.
As the train dashed away, she gleamed at her surroundings.
A castle stood, as expected, but..
This castle varied from her's.
Much so.
Compared to her home, this ranked much like mouse to cat. And sadly, her home place represented the mouse.
She didn't understand it. If anything, why wasn't she moving here? Even from the outside, she could tell it was in much better shape and form. It looked rather new, too. Well, newish. She'd heard tales about it at young age. So it wasn't new new. But it has to be under 30 years old at least, unlike hers aging 70.

After admiring the castle for awhile, she stumbled inside. The inside was very clean and gold-ish. Makes sense for a royal palace.

"Ah! We were expecting you!" Someone called from behind. Turning, she saw what appeared to be a man with blue eyes and blond hair. Like Kou, but not Kou.
The man must've realized she rose suspicion, saying,
"Oh, pardon me! I'm Teru Minamoto, 1st Prince of this kingdom. You know my brother, Kou Minamoto, correct?"

There was two of them..?
Teru seemed to be hotter. Way hotter. And cooler, she could already tell.
So why did she get Kou-?

"Oh, uhm, yes! I know him. Barely, though. I'm Nene Yashiro, first and only princess of the next door kingdom. Nice to meet you, Teru-Sama!"

"Ah, Yashiro-Sama. Pleasures all mine. Come, I'll show you where my brother is."
He chirped, walking away into the distance. She followed, radish legs half trembling with both fear and excitement. Excitement to have talked to such a hottie, and fear because she did not want to speak with Kou much.
Eventually, the two approached the area Kou would be in. Pointing towards the door, Teru waved and walked away.
Glancing at the door, she sighed, opening it.
And onto the day with a prince she went.

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