Chapter 10: Donut

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Again, I AM SO SORRY!! I got grounded for like ever and couldn't write, but I'm back! Here's a chapter for you!
A voice was heard, silencing others.
"I've come to take the pretty lady."
Dreams do come true!
Her fantasy, a man shouting for her.
Looks don't matter; this was it~

A boy about the height of Nene herself appeared.
She knew this face. This look.
But... who..?

"And who are you, sir?" The guy who said "do you take blah blah blah for a wife" questioned.

"Me? Why, take a guess."
"I am none other than Amane Yugi, Nene's soon to be husband," he smirked with a wink.

"Amane..? Where do I remember that..?"
"Amane, Amane, Amane..."
Nene wondered out loud. Amane. Who possibly could that be? It came to mind as, "familiar" yet the identity couldn't reveal.
Clues shattered. Nothing could piece him together. All she knew was that she had met this man but husband? Now, where did THAT COME FROM?!

"I'm sorry, sir. Unfortunately, she's got a wedding here. Shall you attend or be pushed away?"

"Hah.. like I'd let my daikon betray me like that~"

"D-daikon?! I AM NOT!!"

"Don't be mean to Nene-Sama like that!" Aoi shouted.


"You don't remember me, my little pet? How unfortunate.. I'll just have to make you remember!"

He grabbed her, and the both of them vanished into thin air.



"Wherever has the princess and that sick man gone?!"

Kou picked up the one item left after their disappearance.

A donut.

"At least he has a taste.." Aoi mumbled.

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