Chapter 7: Dress shopping

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Third person: Aoi-Chan/ friend of the future princess
"You take forever, you know?"
She said, finally seeing Yashiro catch up to her. Today was the day before her friend's birthday and wedding, so as a gift she decided to take her wedding dress shopping.

"Sorry, Aoi-Chan."
Her friend chirped in reply, wearing a mysterious face.

Aoi could tell whenever her friends were sad, happy, confused, etc. So she could obviously see through that face of hers.
"Oh, I get it, someone's got a new crush!!~"


"Ehehe, Nene-Sama, you're so naughty. Cheating on your future husband with a boy you just met? Typical!"
she giggled in reply.

"Anyway, we're here, your highness! Shall we go inside?"
The purple haired girl chirped, pointing towards a building which appeared to be a dress shop, precisely her favorite, too.

"Oh, uhm, I guess, sure?-"

"Great! You're going to love it!~"
Aoi said, giggling once more, as well as grabbing Nene-Sama's hand and dragging her inside.
When entering, the brightness of the jewelry blinded her temporarily before she could see the princess' reaction to the beautiful place.

When being able to see again, she skipped over to the counter lady, grinning with words,
"Hey! Here for Nene Yashiro's dress. You've got it, yes?"
"Yep, we do! Give me a moment to collect it."
Aoi turned back to Yashiro.
"Did you hear that?! You're going to get your dress!! Aren't you excited-?"
But nene didn't have to answer, the purple haired girl saw her reply without needed words due to her facial expressions.
"Oh yeah, that's right.. you're not really into this kind of thing."

Out the counter lady came!holding a sparkly rose gold dress.
"Here you are girls, and because it's the princess, dress is free! Have fun at the wedding!"

"Thank you, miss!"
She replied, smiling.

"Well, guess we can go home now."

Then Aoi got a wonderful idea...

"Hey, Nene-Sama, try on the dress!"
"Huh- whuah- uh- okay!?"
Aoi handed her the dress and shoved her into the changing room.
Minutes passed, until finally nene stumbled out of the room, showing her dress to her friend.

Minutes passed, until finally nene stumbled out of the room, showing her dress to her friend

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"Wow, Nene-Sama! You look so pretty, I'm almost jealous!"

"Oh, really? Thank you, then!"

"The crowd's going to love you! Kou-Sama, too!"

Aoi was proud of her friend. She looked stunning!!
She was really happy for her.

But something hit her heart.

"I'm almost Jealous!" ...

What if she was a bit jealous..?
Maybe more than.. a bit?

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