Chapter 6: The Day Before Such Arrangement

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Third Person: Nene Yashiro/ Future queen/ princess
"This is the one year I would GLADY skip my birthday."
Yashiro angrily chirped, marching with pout into her room and onto her bed.
Tomorrow was her birthday.
Which meant..

Marrying the prince, Kou Minamoto.
A man which she only recently met.

Oh how she had tried too, tried harder than ever to convince the boy to stop this arrangement with her, together, but he wouldn't barge. His mind was made up, apparently, and there was no stopping this.
She just imagined it.

Nene Minamoto.
Minamoto Nene.

The radish sighed, standing up again and wandering around her castle halls.
Tomorrow was the day.
Wandering about, she eventually felt the pull of something grabbing her aside.
"Aoi-Chan! What did I say about surprising me like that?!"

"Oh, whoopsies! Ehehe..
Hello, Nene-Sama!"

"What're you doing here? Can't you see I'm freaking out!?"
"Well, uhm, no- I'm here because your mother asked me if I could take you dress shopping!!"

"Dress shopping?"
Radish replied, running upstairs and changing rather quickly, then racing back down to her purple haired friend.

"I see your excited about that."
"But this isn't just any dress shopping, you know.
It's shopping for a wedding dress!!"

Her excited grin faded into a frowny pout.
"Oh, great, wedding shopping. How fun."

"You bet!  So come on, let's go! I'll race you!!"
Aoi said, racing off, leaving the princess to catch up.
Not wanting to seem like a party pooper, she fastened up to the competitive girl, only a tad bit behind.

She was almost there! If she just pushed it a little more..


Hitting something, the girl fell to the ground.
"Eeeh.. wha..? What happened-?"

"Oh pardon me, I'm so sorry miss!"
A boy spoke, appearing to be the one who she hit by accident.

"Huh?- oh-! No, I'm sorry, sir! I wasn't really watching.."
With no reply, he held out his hand and softly smiled.

that smile again...

Seeing the familiar face gesture again, she didn't hesitate as she grabbed his hand, allowing the boy to help her up.

Suddenly, he just stood there, staring at her. Admiring, perhaps?

"Uh, I'm going to go catch up with my friend now. Again, sorry for bumping into you!"
She awkwardly smiled and stumbled away back to her friend who'd be there waiting for her.

"Nene-Sama, who's the boy?"
"Not sure. He seems familiar, though."
"Hmm, interesting."

As they both marched away, she turned again, seeing the boy was no longer standing there.
Mysteriously.. she felt as if she knew him.

And the thing is that smile..
If not him, that smile.
She knew that smile.

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