Chapter 9: Objection

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"It's wedding time," she mumbled, prepared.
But was she ready?
She stepped out of her room.

"Oh, just in time, Daughter! Everything's all set, aren't you excited?"

"No, not really. Thanks anyway though, Mother."

She kept walking. Honestly, if anything, she wanted cake.
She was stopped again, unfortunately.

"Nene-Sama, Nene-Sama! It's finally here!!!"

"I know, I know, Aoi-Chan."
"You'll do great."

Nene's mood had changed from a confusingly frightened girl to a moody one.

"Silly Nene-Sama! Cmon, I'll walk you down the aisle!!~"

"Uh, n-"

The purple haired girl grabbed her hand, and soon it was all happening. Nene, the dress, her peachy lips, all preparing for the big, dazzling moment.

Music playing, people cheering, there was no going back now.
She was getting married.
Adjusting to all the quicking movement, she found herself soon standing with none other than prince Kou Minamoto, soon to be king the second their lips engaged.

"I'm sorry, Yashiro-Sama. If there was some way to stop it, I would've. I really would've."

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with, I want cake."
"Me too, actually, cake would really hit the spot right now."
"Then, shall we?"
"I guess so."

"We're ready!!" They both hollered, neither actually prepared. Only food brought them this far.

(Ps: I have actually no idea how marriages work, forgive meee-)

"Kou Minamoto, do you take Nene Yashiro to be your wife?"
A man would say, smiling.
"I do," Kou Replied, smiling back at him.

"Nene Yashiro, do you take Kou Minamoto to be your husband?"
She gulped.
No. No she didn't. She really didn't.
She wanted to reach out for help, but who would help her? Her mother, no. Aoi, no. Kou, no. It was basically hopeless.

"Ye.. Yes, I do."
She said it.
It was done.
Now, all that's left was...

"Before anymore is done, shall there be any objections to this couple? If so, speak now."


"In that case, you may k-"

"Wait! I object." a voice spoke out in the crowd.
One she recognized.

"I've come to take the pretty lady."

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