Chapter 16: The End

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It was pretty breezy outside that night. The night Aoi Akane confessed to everything.

It had been months since Nene Yashiro, formal queen of the kingdom, vanished with a mysterious boy. No one could find her. In fact, about only a month perhaps after, the search was given up and the title was given to Aoi, Nene's best friend. 

"We did it, Akane," Aoi mumbled that night, holding the tiara close to her heart.

"Now everyone can be together. That's all we've ever wanted, right?" She whispered, that heart now as cold as the snowflake that fell above her head.

Akane was a boy Aoi had crushed on ever since she was little. He was the neighbor of the castle just as she was, and he often came over for dinner with her family. She could never marry him, however.. for her only perhaps in life so said by her parents was to accompany Yashiro.

Aoi never agreed to it, though. The day her parents received a letter and jumped at the chance to become helpers to the royal family. She was only a baby then, when she grabbed their bags and moved to the newly built house next door.

Aoi grew up there in that building. She grew up knowing nothing was more important than Yashiro. That's all they saw her fit to do was watch the girl grow up and become one she could trust. That's one reason she took the chance to steal the crown, so she could show everybody who doubted her that she could too be amazing and needful.

That was her only goal actually, until she met Akane at the age of eight..

That's when her heart spoke to her. It struggled inside to push her greed away and give her a new reason to get the top spot.

Love. If she became queen, anyone would obey her command. She could vow to marry Akane, and that settled that.

She remember years ago, that first time they met. Aoi and Akane's parents were getting to know each other, so the two had additional time to communicate.

"Is it weird that we just met, and I find you beautiful?" Akane questioned.

Aoi only smiled, and the conversation went on...

So she would do it. She would marry Akane tonight.

As he was already waiting behind the glass window.

Earlier in the day, Aoi had done a good deed for herself and Kou Minamoto, the formal prince.


"Hey, Kou," Aoi said, bowing down.

"Hello," Kou replied, smiling.

"I have some news that might entertain you," she chirped, grabbing his hand.

Kou didn't speak. He only stared.

"It's pretty obvious your into Mitsuba, aren't you?"

Kou again didn't speak, but red marks appeared on his face, so she took that as a yes.

"You see, I worked with Amane Yugi, the girl who kidnapped Nene Yashiro, your ex wife."

"What?!" Kou snapped, snatching his hand away.

"I did it so those two could be together... I've heard of the past they share and all, but that's not all I did it for. You like the pink smurfy boy, so I'm going to do a little of my magic to prevent our marriage."

"Your magic?" He said, calming down a bit.

"Watch," she said with a wink, and turned to all the royals.

"LISTEN UP!!" She yelled loudly. Everyone gasped and turned, bowing before continuing to stare.

Today was a ball to represent the new queen- herself. She took this opportunity to make this move.

"I'm the queen, correct? So I can make any rules I want, uh huh?"

Everyone whispered in confusion.

"Well, here's a new rule! For now on, in this kingdom, FORCED MARRIAGE IS NO LONGER ALLOWED!! WE CAN MARRY WHOEVER WE WANT!!"

The room froze for a moment.

No, time froze.

Everyone seemed still. There expressed looked were still. Even Kou didn't seem to move a muscle.

"That being so.." she continued, ignoring them, "Kou-sama and I are no longer destined to marry. We have our own interests! If you don't accept this, get out of my kingdom!"

The silence broke and everyone started clapping. Some were even crying.

She turned to Kou and grinned.

"Mitsuba's all yours now."

"You like someone too?" Kou questioned, remembering what she just stated.

"Oh, just a certain someone. You'll meet him soon," Aoi said with a hum and skipped off before anyone could say another word.

Now she was in the nights sky, walking in the garden for what seemed like infinity until she reached Akane's arms.

Everyone was together..

Amane and Nene.

Kou and Mitsuba.

Aoi and Akane.

Surely.. her selfishness brought everyone somewhere..

"I'm so selfish," she cried out to Akane. "This shouldn't have happened."

"I-I took Nene-sama's title away! Is-isn't that just horrible.."

"I don't think so, Aoi."


"You brought everyone happiness; you made this nightmare of a world a fantasy."

"You really think so?" She said, still not letting go of him."

"I know so."

And they kissed that night, the breezy night when Aoi Akane confessed to everything.


The next day, Aoi wrote Nene a long letter.

"Dear Nene-sama,

How are you? I hope you and Amane-kun are doing well and getting along. You see, I was your little matchmaker!

A lot has happened since you left. I became queen and changed a lot of rules. I stopped the wedding between me and Kou-sama, and I even made a rule to where forced marriage is no longer allowed! I guess a future queen could bring it back, though, but who the heck would want to do that, am I right?! I also found love. I never told you about him. I'll tell you now:

His name is Akane Aoi. Funny, huh? No, I'm not talking about myself! We just have similar names is all.

He's got this cute short hair and glasses that I just find adorable. He's also super kind and super straightforward. Kind of like that in a guy, don't you? I bet Amane's your type.

Kou got with who he likes. You've never met him, Mitsuba Sosuke. I only know him a little, but I know he's pretty weird, yet those two get along. I like to think of him as a pink smurf. He kind of looks like one, hehe! Overall, everything's going swell. We do miss you, and I get you probably can't ever come back again because everyone will go nuts but write to us sometimes, okay?


I gave Amane a nickname awhile back. I called him Hanako-kun. Weird, huh? Like he'd haunt the toilet! But it was cute. I so ship you two. Maybe... Hananene. Yeah, I like that. What do you think? WRITE BACK TO YOUR BESTIE >:c

Love, your best friend (hopefully)

Aoi Akane.


New fanfic coming soon!!

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