Chapter 8: The Day

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3rd person: Nene Yashiro/ Future Queen/ Princess
Today was the day, the day she'd not only age up, but also the day she'd marry none other than prince Kou Minamoto, soon to be king.
And boy, Yashiro had no idea what to be feeling.
Excited, scared, sad, angry? Maybe a bit of all? She had mixed feelings for this event, really.
But maybe, just maybe, the girl could push the ways she felt aside, and at least try to enjoy this event.
That's what she was thinking, anyway, until the clock hit 7am when royal guards came rushing in to prepare her for this date. She hasn't slept, not all night, mind just scattered around, confused.

The wedding was said to be held at 5:30 pm sharp, but her birthday party was planning early this morning around 8. Precisely why she was awoken at such hour, and not let another second go to waste in slumber.

As the royal helpers lead her to the dressing room, two dresses sat on a chair. One being the dress she'd bought yesterday, another being..
A cute, pink dress with little ribbons attached to the ends.

Her mom, nor anyone, let her wear such outfits. This could only mean...
"Thank you, Aoi-Chan!!"
She whispered happily, now excited and grinning. The wedding might not be fun, no, but maybe her party would be okay at the least, and that was something to be hopeful for.
Slipping on the dress, she skipped down the long, clean stairs and sat at the table.
It was her birthday, and every birthday the chef made her favorite breakfast meal, one never served any other days.
But not any ordinary waffles, no, no, no.
These waffles were decorated with very cute decor, and even included her name, Nene, on top with a side of whip cream.
So far, everything was okay.
Today would be fun?
The delicious treat she was dining to told her so, anyway.

Or maybe she just didn't get enough sleep.
Yeah, probably so.

Hours passed, she spent her party mainly with Aoi-Chan, escaping the embarrassment moments her mother had asked the party planners to settle.
Her and Aoi went to their favorite spot, a school.
This school was the closest one to them, but it wasn't one either could attend. Aoi, being close to royalty, resulted in her being homeschooled with the princess. And well, like states earlier, Nene, the princess, was just homeschooled because of her high power.
The school was called, "Kamome Gakuen," or so her friend had told her. She'd say that it was pretty, the inside and out. And Nene didn't believe her so, until they both visited together on the outskirts of the school. Then she believed, and they'd always visit.

After hanging with Aoi, she returned home to sit and stare some more like everyday life.
Only an hour left.
4:34 pm, she sat, bored.
Her party ended, and people outside her room were setting up supplies for her wedding. One she still wasn't excited for.

Trying to end her boredness, she wandered over to her window and opened it. The moon wasn't out, luckily, so she watched the birds chirp and swing by, nature being as nature pleased.

Yawning, she closed her window, and sat back down.
Nene looked at the time again.
5:29 pm.
Had she looked out for that long, already?
In a minute, she'd be called for, and it would all begin. She could even hear the ruckus outside her door.

Here we go.
It's wedding time.

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