Chapter 4: a Meeting With One Not Wanted

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Okay, before this starts- how the lord did I get 69 views already? Like I don't get it, I'm not a good writer- 🥺💞
But thank you! I'll try and update when can, but I tend to get lazy and take days off just to sleep in. And I'm always on discord, so like yeah I'm very "busy" so not everyday, but at least once a week should a chapter release. If you can be patient with that, thank you. Also, let me know in comments, should I delete my other book, "The Fate of Dear Yashiro-San?" I ran out of ideas and don't really know where I should go at this point. After this book, I already have another jshk fanfic in planning, so I don't think I'll really continue it. But if you wish for me to do so, then comment below and I'll possibly try to get the series going. With that all said, enjoy this new, short, and dumb chapter! <3
She stood behind the wooden door, trembling, not sure wether to open it or just stand there for the rest of eternity.
Half of herself wanted to open it, reasons being scolded otherwise. The other part of her wished to just stand there, humiliated or not, and wait until her soul crumbled into afterlife. It wasn't death she wanted, it was for this to be over. But with her life, "over" wasn't an option.
She glanced at the knob, retracing her choices and side effects. But unfortunately for her, the option wasn't hers.
Not anymore.
Why? Probably because the boy decided it for her.

He opened the door.

"Ah, Yashiro-Sama! You're here? Just.. standing here?"

Oh, great.

"Oh, uhm, pardon me! I didn't know if I was allowed in or not, and I guess I knocked too quietly.."
She replied, lyingly.

"Of course you're allowed in! You're my future wife, after all."
He said, patting her head softly.

"Right.. future wife.."
She mumbled, looking down. She still didn't like this, or him- not one bit.

"So, uhhh-"


This was hopeless.
Neither even knew what to say.
"Match made in heaven?" Pfft, no way.

"Do you want to-"

"You get I'm not interested, right?"
Yashiro said, glaring at him.
"Come on, help me out here! Together, we can stop this wedding! I mean, you don't like me either, right? So what are you waiting for, let's stop acting all nice and plan something!!"

"Wether feelings for you resides within me or not, there is no way to stop it. It's our parents orders, best for us and the kingdoms itself."

She sighed. It appears this wasn't going to be one of those movies where things actually end well.

"So I suggest we get to know each other. Like said before, it's best for our kingdoms."

She turned away into a pouting figure.
So what if it was "best for our kingdoms?"
It's still stupid. In her thoughts, anyway.

"Please, Yashiro-Sama?"
He said, extending out a hand to her.
She looked at him, then his hand, then him again.
He had this soft smile, almost familiar...

"Alright, fine. For our kingdoms."
She chirped, taking his hand.

"Thank you! Hope we can get along well!"
"Yeah, me too."
She smiled back, matching his soft tone and emotion.

Okay, fine, he was cool-ish.
But that smile..
It reminded her of something. She didn't know what, she just knew it was familiar. Like as if she had experience with someone who shared similar face gestures.
Maybe that's why she finally agreed to accompany him.

Pushing her thoughts aside, she followed him to whatever destination Kou had in mind.
And that's how the day went.
But something was off.

Whenever traveling with the prince Kou, she noticed a figure following. Or rather, felt it's presence tracing behind.
Something was there.
Something watching them.
To not be revealed in this chapter.

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