Chapter 14: Getting to Know You

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Before this starts, I want to deeply apologize for short chapters. I will start writing more and better once I finish this and my Halloween books. After those, I will write more and efficiently. Thank you for understanding! <3

"You have a brother?" Yashiro questioned, looking aside at the dark breezy grass around her.

"Yeah," Amane replied. "He got sold to another kingdom. I believe he works under a princess named Sakura."

"Sakura? Sounds so pretty.."
Yashiro commented, imagining the beautiful lady that girl must be.

"Not as pretty as you," Amane grumbled.

"Come again?"


Amane would only chuckle.

"Nothing, my princess~"

Yashiro sternly looked at the boy.

"Amane," she mumbled.


"Amane, Amane, Amane.."

"Why does that name sound so familiar..."

"You remember me?"
Amane shouted, running up and grabbing Nene's hand.

"Eugh- stop, you creep. I don't know you. You're name just sounds weird. Like as if I went to the same store named that or something."

"But I thought you don't go anywhere? Stuck in a castle, right?"

"Oh, true."

"Still!- I don't know you, okay? Stop acting like we're soulmates from another universe or something."

She snapped, slapping his hand away and turning into a pout figure.

"Nothing says we can't get to know each other~"

"You look familiar too," she went on, ignoring him. "Did you work at that store?!"

"Again, you don't go to stores."


They sat in ever longing silence.

"Come on, Yashiro..." he mumbled, "give me a chance."

"There's so much I want to know about you... and there's so much you ought to know about me."

The princess sighed and brushed her silver hair aside.

"Fine. Tell me something amusing about you."

"Well, I once did one of those whooping cushion pranks on my brother," Amane started, chuckling, "he was scared for weeks, and he never sat down again!"

Yashiro eyes widened as she grinned.
"Please tell me you told him."



Amane paused.

"You remember..."


Amane smiled and patted her head.

"I think I'm getting to ya. Slow, but I'm getting ya."

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