Chapter 15: confession

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Days went by, and more and more of Yashiro's memories started to recover.
She also made some new ones too.

"It's cold," she mumbled, shivering.

Amane blinked before smirking and handing her his hoodie.

"It's not much but..."

"You'll be okay?"w

"Yeah, cold don't bother me."

Overall, she had a good time with him. It was a change from her boring castle.

Back at her home, she never was entertained. It exhausted her to even be there.

And although at first she wasn't enlightened with being kidnapped, she learned to enjoy it.

She'd rather stay with this guy than return to her royalty life.

"Hey, Amane," she started, not sure where she was headed, "can I uh, stay with you?"

She glared at him with a spark of determination gleaming from her eyes.

"I think I like you."

"You- what-?"

Nene fidgeted with her hair before responding with a blush,

"I like you.. a lot."

"You actually care about me," she continued, "and even if I don't remember you.. you're nice."

She didn't think; she just kept on speaking.

"I feel weird around you, like as if we knew each other before. It makes me all nerve wreaking. Butterflies form in my stomach, and everyday I dream about us somewhere back in the castle's garden..."

Amane just stood there. Yashiro couldn't tell if he was scared, happy, mad- it could go on what he was feeling, but she just kept going.

"You say we've met before, and I'm starting to think you're not crazy about that."

She took a deep breath to finalize her sentence.

"Amane, you may be my kidnapper, but you've saved me from a stupid life. You've taught me a lot too, and it's only been a few weeks. So please.. let me stay with you. Let's go far away, to other regions. Let's do what others never did."

When she finished, she realized what she all had said.

She jolted away, embarrassed.

"Oh, forget that! Please forget that!"

He chuckled.

"I never thought I'd hear a confession like that from my daikon."

"Alright then," he said, grabbing her hand.

"Let's run away from reality."

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