Chapter One: Class 1-A

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A/N: I edited izuku's height. Turns out Bakugo is 5'7 ¾ 😂

Izuku's POV

It's been a few months since we were 'saved' from the laboratory and so far living with Aizawa is fun. We would drink a mountain of coffee together, cook for one another, and the training is hell.

And now, I'm standing outside of dadzawa's classroom. I sighed and opened the door when he called me in. The class grew silent as I walk to the front of the class, scanning everyone my eyes glued to a certain ash blonde boy. I couldn't see his eyes so I can't confirm it yet but he looks like someone I know, someone I could vividly remember.

"Introduce yourself as I will sleep. Do whatever you want, wake me up only if someone is dying." Dadzawa said as he wrap himself inside his cocoon.

I chuckled, "Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya-" before I could even finish my introduction I was wrapped inside a hug.

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, YOU NERD!?" I looked down to see ash blonde hair and blood red eyes. My eyes widened as I look into his familiar eyes.


"Yes it's me! Where have you been huh!?" He punched my chest repeatedly.

I giggled as I hug him back, I missed this. I've never have this kind of physical interaction before. Atleast not when I was in that nasty laboratory.

"I'm sorry kacchan, I'll explain later okay?" I whispered in his ears.

He nodded and walked back to his seat. I looked back to the class and saw their jaws barely hanging on their face. They're looking at me like I just tamed a dragon, which he is.

I smiled shyly, "As I've said I'm Izuku Midoriya, 16 years of age."

A boy with glasses on stood up from his chair, "Hello, I'm the class representative Iida Tenya."

I smile at him, "hello Iida. So any questions?"

A girl with pink skin raised her hand she seemed rather excited, "State your name first please before your questions."

"Hi I'm Ashido Mina! Uhm how tall are you?" I chuckled at her question.

"I'm 6'0."

A boy with blonde hair stood up next, "Kaminari Denki here! Do you have a girlfriend?" Everybody (except kacchan) said 'oooh' at his question.

Now I'm full on laughing, "No, no, I Don't have one."

After that everyone kept on asking questions I answer them but one question made me blush.

"Minoru Mineta, Which do you prefer boobs or ass?"

All the girls glares at him while I stand there blushing, "uhm... I-i don't know w-what to s-say to that!!" I kept on moving my arms as I'm embarrassed at his question.

The girls in unison said, "aaww!"

Third Person's POV

They all stared at our blushing cinnamon roll, all the girls were amazed by his innocence.

While sero tapes mineta up on the ceiling for his perverted question. They all wished that he would be expelled.

At that moment Aizawa woke up after the bell. He told them to head to lunch already.

As they all get up Bakugo dragged Midoriya out the door and to the rooftop.

Bakugo stopped and locked the door, he turned around to face Midoriya with his glare.

"Where the fuck have you been nerd?"

Midoriya hesitated, he would like to tell Bakugo everything but.... Ahh screw this, he told Bakugo everything. From the beginning to the end.

Right now Bakugo stared off to space, shocked at what his childhood friend have experienced. Once he snapped off his staring competition with the air he ran to where Izuku sat and hugged the living daylights out of him.

Izuku even though he's shocked he still hugged back.
The two is oblivious by their position, Katsuki sat on izuku's lap. They pulled away and only then did they notice the awkward position they are in.

Katsuki jumped off Izuku his cheeks tinted dark red and so as izuku's face. The two tomato- I mean the two boys decided to go down the lunch room as they only have a few minutes before class.

They sat beside each other talking quietly, and the curious students of class 1-A stared at them itching to listen in their conversation but couldn't, even Jiro couldn't hear what they're talking about.

They gave up on eavesdropping and just ate their lunch.

At the end of the day, Katsuki and Izuku walked together into the dorms. They only separated as they have to change out of their clothes.

Class 1-A sat in the common area, the TV is on but no one is paying attention to it. Iida thought, 'might as well turn this off.'

Everyone sat there talking to other students or either gossiping which is mina and a few girls. As kaminari and Kirishima talked about 'manly' things.

Bakugo came in with his usual scowling face. He plopped down on the ground pulled his phone out and scrolled on social media.

They all went back to their conversation after staring at Bakugo for a few minutes.

Not long after Izuku entered gaining everyone's attention again. He looks uneasy but calm.

"Uhm ... Where is the kitchen again?" Uraraka chuckled at his question and pointed out the kitchen. Izuku thanked her and walked in the direction she gave him.

Bakugo stood up walking to the direction of the kitchen, nobody pays attention to that. But soon after laughter could be heard inside the kitchen.

All of their ears perked up at that, because it sounds like Bakugo. They all shared a look and stands up quietly, peeking inside the kitchen they saw Bakugo sitting on the counter beside Izuku who's cooking.

Bakugo was still laughing but more softer now,

"Y-you damn nerd .... HAHAHAHAAHAH I couldn't believe he did that!" With that said Bakugo laughed loudly again.

"I know right, like he crawled like a worm and he startled me that I accidentally kicked him." Izuku said making Katsuki laugh out loud once again.

The students peeking in the kitchen looks like their eyes are gonna fall out of their eye sockets anytime soon with one thought in their mind,

'what the hell?!'


Dear Readers,

I know, lame Right? So this is the first chapter, those ones first before these are like flashbacks so you wouldn't be so confused.

So any feedback?

I'll read it promise! So hit me with your comments!

From: Monstrous_Mind


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