Track 01: Beautiful

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"Seungmin, the cast list is being posted after school! Hurry your slow ass up before I leave you here," Felix shouted, shoving his best friend through the crowded hallway.

The younger tried to shrug Felix's hand off of his backpack, but to no avail. Felix was determined to see the cast list and nothing would stop him – hence using Seungmin as a human bulldozer in order to weave through the students moving far too slowly through the halls.

After what felt like an eternity to Felix, but was only three minutes in reality, they reached the theatre hall. The bulletin board outside the auditorium was still empty, but students were already beginning to gather around it in anticipation. There were two minutes until the end-of-day bell would ring, and that meant two minutes until the students who auditioned for the musical would find out whether or not they'd made the cut.

Ms. Son marched out into the hallway clutching a sheet of paper in her left hand. Despite her short stature she carried herself with such confidence that students moved to clear a path for her as soon as they noticed her presence. With a glittery red tack, she pinned the page to the bulletin board and left just as quickly as she'd arrived.

Students surged forward to see the list. Felix and Seungmin, having been at the front of the crowd, were practically pushed up against the wall. Fortunately, that meant they had the best view of the list. They both scanned the page, anxiously searching for their names.

Veronica Sawyer .......... Kim Seungmin

The boy squealed and jumped up and down, rejoicing at having been cast as the lead. He searched for Felix's name after he'd found his own.

Heather Chandler .......... Lee Felix

They high fived and cheered even louder when they noticed that the other two Heathers would also be played by their friends. Heather Duke was to be played by Han Jisung, and Heather McNamara by Yang Jeongin. Having attended an all-boys school, none of them were surprised to see that Felix was the queen bee, a title he would wear proudly, shooting down anyone who dared call him a king rather than his rightful title as queen. His friends found this hilarious, shouting and laughing loudly.

Seungmin's celebration was interrupted as he was shoved forcefully away from the board. He hit the ground with a grunt and looked up at the person who had pushed him. The person didn't even offer Seungmin a glance, let alone an apology. But what else could he have expected from Hwang Hyunjin?

Said boy finally looked down at Seungmin, who still hadn't stood up. By now, all other students had dispersed to the rest of the school or begun making their way home. Seungmin and his friends – as well as Hyunjin – were the only few who remained. There was a tense silence, as if this was some sort of standoff.

Hyunjin chuckled when Seungmin scowled up at him. "Don't go acting like you hate me, Seungmin," the elder teased, "Because for the next few months, I'm your boyfriend."

Baffled, Seungmin scrambled to his feet. "No," he whispered to himself, once more scanning the cast list, but no longer in search of his friends. He reread the line several times, praying that his eyes had deceived him, but every time it still read:

Jason Dean .......... Hwang Hyunjin



published june 22

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