Track 07: The Me Inside of Me

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Seungmin clapped a hand over Felix's mouth when the boy began screaming.

"Shut the fuck up, Felix," he hissed, "Do you not realise we're in public? There are classes going on right now."

Felix rolled his eyes. "Uh, do you not realise that you made out with the Hwang Hyunjin? Why aren't you the one screaming?" He smirked and stated, "You're lucky, Minnie. He's so hot! Damn, if I had a boy like that I'd—"

"Thanks, Lix, but I'm really not interested in hearing about whatever weird sexual fantasies you have about Hwang Hyunjin," Seungmin grumbled. "And you're getting worked up over nothing. We just kissed because we have to kiss for the show. Don't read into it so much."

The Australian didn't even bother to swallow his sandwich as he spoke up again. "How can you say that?!" He spit lettuce all over their lunch table as he continued, "From what you told me yesterday, it was far more than 'just a kiss'. So tell me..." he leaned over the table to get in Seungmin's face. "Was he a good kisser?"

Seungmin scoffed and shoved Felix back into his seat. Just then, Jisung walked up and took a seat next to Felix. He noticed Seungmin pouting across the table and nudged Felix. "What's he so pissy about?" He whispered.

"Our Veronica had a rather interesting encounter with Mr. JD last night," Felix mused, "And he's mad at me because I asked him if Hyunjin's a good kisser."

"Oh, fuck! You kissed Hyunjin?!" Jisung's voice boomed across the cafeteria, and he smiled awkwardly when he realised everyone's eyes were on him. Seungmin shoved his face into his backpack, feeling ashamed. After a few moments of silence, the lunchroom's chatter faded in again as everyone lost interest in Jisung's yelling.

Seungmin kept his face hidden in his backpack even when someone tapped him on the shoulder. "Go away, Felix," he grumbled, "Haven't you two embarrassed me enough for one day? Just let me hide here for a while."

A smooth, calm voice responded to him, and Seungmin was even more mortified to know that it was neither Jisung nor Felix.

"That's kind of cute, Seungmin," he teased, "You told your friends?" Across the table, Jisung and Felix sat fully attentive to the situation unfolding in front of them. They were so going to make fun of him for this later.

Hyunjin gently ran his hand down Seungmin's back, tracing his spine with one finger. "Come on," he whispered, "Is your backpack really more interesting to see than me?" Seungmin couldn't see Hyunjin, but he could practically hear the boy's douchey smirk.

"Yes," he said, his voice mumbled. "I'd rather talk to my backpack than you any day." He squeaked in shock when he was suddenly pulled away from his backpack by gentle hands on his shoulders. He looked up at Hyunjin, whose face was painted with a soft, amused smile. Seungmin scowled. "I'm gonna kill you."

Hyunjin chuckled at what the small boy had said, but yelped in surprise when he was tackled to the floor. Both he and Seungmin had fallen off the bench and hit the tile floor as Seungmin raised a fist to punch Hyunjin.

But then he became more aware of the situation and hesitated. He was at school. His best friends were watching. But the realisation that struck him most was that he and Hyunjin were practically in the same position as they had been when rehearsing the scene the night before. Hyunjin tried to stifle his laugh as Seungmin slowly lowered his hand.

"Ah, I get it," Hyunjin said, "You wanted to run our scene again. Perfect. You've already got us set up for it." He winked and sat up with Seungmin still in his lap, holding onto the dumbfounded boy's hips.

Felix snorted loudly, drawing the pair out of their trance. They finally broke eye contact and instead stared at the floor to hide their flushed faces. "Rehearsal today is going to be fucking hilarious," Felix said, high fiving Jisung. Seungmin and Hyunjin still hadn't moved.

They were both paralysed by the thought of having to do this in front of other people. It was embarrassing enough when it was just the two of them, but now it was with thirty other people, and eventually with several hundred.

They were doomed.


published june 28

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