Track 05: Big Fun

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Seungmin was silent the entire drive to Hyunjin's house. He stared straight out the windshield and paid no attention to the boy driving. After a fifteen minute journey, Hyunjin's truck rolled to a stop in front of a blue house.

"We're here," he stated, "We're gonna be in my room, if that's okay." Seungmin shrugged, still unhappy about the situation. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and followed Hyunjin inside and down the stairs to the basement.

He was surprised by Hyunjin's room. It was simple and neat – pale green walls and navy blue sheets, a glass desk in the corner, and a bookshelf against the far wall. As Hyunjin set his stuff down and got situated, Seungmin wandered toward his bookshelf, gently running his fingertips over the delicate spines of the books. He was astonished by Hyunjin's collection of classical literature. He smiled softly. Maybe they did have something in common, after all.

Hyunjin cleared his throat and patted the bed next to him. Seungmin obediently took a seat next to the older boy. "I know you hate me, but please just try to put that aside for a while," he pleaded, "But I want to stay JD... and I don't want Hajoon to play Veronica." He stared down at his sheets nervously. "I don't want to kiss Hajoon, so just try to ignore all your resentment for a few minutes, please."

Seungmin nodded, surprising himself. This was the first time he had ever seen Hyunjin so vulnerable. Normally the boy was cocky and confident, arrogant even. But now he almost seemed distraught.

"Why do you seem so nervous?" Seungmin tried not to sound rude, but he didn't quite achieve his goal.

Hyunjin sighed. "My parents are coming to see the show opening night," he whispered, "This is the first of my shows they'll have ever attended. I want to impress them." He wouldn't meet Seungmin's eyes. "They don't like that I do this sort of thing, and I want them to see that it's worthwhile. But let me tell you right now, if you tell anyone, and I mean anyone, I will end your shit with no hesitation. Got it?"

"Jesus Christ, dude. Yeah, I got it. Don't get all emo on me." Seungmin tried to lighten the mood with a joke, but realised his timing was wrong. So instead he set his hand on Hyunjin's knee and whispered, "I get it. My parents don't come to my shows either. So, fine, I'll help you try to impress your parents."

The elder flung his arms around Seungmin for a brief moment, but they both pulled away quickly, embarrassed.

"So... how are we supposed to do this?" Seungmin asked. "Like, we actually have to kiss?" He shuddered.

Hyunjin ran his fingers through Seungmin's hair, effectively silencing the boy. "Let me know if you need me to stop," he whispered, pulling Seungmin closer. Both boys were slightly shocked when Hyunjin gently connected their lips. The kiss only lasted for a few seconds, but their hearts were racing.

They both knew that the show required more than such a simple and sweet kiss. They were frightened and exhilarated and bitter all at once. Neither of them ever could've predicted they'd be in this situation, especially after the years they'd spent bickering and constantly annoying each other. Had you told either of them two years ago that someday they'd be sitting on Hyunjin's bed kissing, they'd have laughed in your face and then punched each other.

Yet here they were.


published june 26

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