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2:15 am. I look at my watch while Jolo and I sit back on our table. Now I'm between Jolo and Josh again, great.

I take a shot and notice that there are country flags printed on each shot glass. I round them all up and scream, "Brazil is mine!" I grab a shot glass and fill it up with booze and then I hear Jolo hysterically laughing, "That's not Brazil."

I drink it up anyway and chuckle, "I'm sorry, either I'm too drunk to notice that or I simply don't have knowledge towards flags. You pick what to believe in."

He utters, "What are you being sorry for?"

I chuckle, "I'm sorry I guess it's because women are raised to be sorry for almost everything we do. I'm so-."

He interrupts me and states, "Please don't say it again."

I laugh as we all take another shot and now we're all dancing to this music that I don't even know, but I'm jiving. I like the beat of it and I'm here to enjoy so I might as well dance.

It's still dark and they're pretty much spiraling in my head. I am finally drunk! That's what I came here for so more booze for me!

Oh shit. I know I'm drunk but I can't be doing this right now. Why the hell am I holding Jolo's hand under the table? Am I trying to flirt with him? Because I tried to hold his hand just now and he pulled his hand and put my hand on my lap.

Jolo leans to me and whispers, "Hey, I think you're holding the wrong hand."

I don't know if I said anything to him after that. This is completely embarrassing. I need some air.

I go out again and walk towards the smoking area. I sit on this chair right in front of the door and breathe in and out heavily.

I don't know if this is because I did something embarrassing back there or because of my acid reflux or both but I can't seem to breathe properly. I can't breathe!

The door opens in front of me and I hear that loud music again, oh god please stop. I look at the door and see Nina comes out of it.

I shout, "Nina! You're finally here! God I missed you!"

She sits beside me and puts down the glass of water she's holding, and holds my face, saying, "Hi babe, are you okay? Why is your pants unbuttoned?"

She buttons it as I say, "Oh I did that because I can't breathe."

She whispers, "I'm going to close it because there are people around you that you don't know okay?"

I nod as I laugh and babble words to her. I stretch my legs as I look at her go back inside and drink the water she gave to me. All of a sudden, I hear the door open once again, Nina's back!

I look up and see Jolo. Oh great, now what do you need from me, human.

He walks towards me and sit on the corner of my chair, asking, "Reflux is still not backing off?"

I nod as I curve my legs upward to let him sit comfortably. He chuckles, "Your shoelaces are untied." He holds my shoes and continue, "Let me tie it for you."

I nod as he ties it. Why am I just nodding? Am I that drunk that now I'm not capable of talking?

I notice that he's tying it properly so I utter, "No not like that. You know how I tie my shoelace; I put it around my ankle before actually tying it."

He says that he knows it but that kind of thing is for high-cut chucks because of the long shoelace and I'm wearing a low-cut converse right now.

I hold my shoes as I argue, "I don't care about that. I just want it to be tied that way whether I'm wearing high or low-cut. Just let me do it."

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