❄B5❄ And The Award For 'Biggest Asshole' Goes To...

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Chapter Five


And The Award For ‘Biggest Asshole’ Goes To…


September 22

“Since when did you become a player, Brayden?” Esmond teased, when I called him later this evening. He was laughing. I could hear him loud and clear through the phone.

“For fuck’s sake, Esmond, I only went bowling with three girls!” I snapped. “It’s not like I had group sex with them.”

“You forgot about breakfast…or the Midnight Carnival,” Esmond said, still laughing. “You were with them during that time, too.”

“Ugh, remind me to never call you again!” I groaned.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, Bray. But you gotta admit, this doesn’t happen often. You’re so cold towards females…I was expecting you to isolate them completely at college.”

“For your information, I wasn’t even wanting to have breakfast with them, but Heather practically dragged me over to the Eight with them, so I had no choice.”

“No, it’s a good thing how open you’re becoming,” Esmond said, genuinely. “I was starting to get worried about you not finding a group to fit in with.”

“They aren’t exactly the group of people I’ll be hanging out with,” I muttered. “I still haven’t found that group of friends I’ll be spending the rest of my college years with.”

“It’ll come.”

“Probably not. I mean, look at you. You’re twenty-two and still practically a loner.”

“On my defense, I’m more focused on my education right now.”

“And work,” I added. “Oh, and let’s not forget about the fact that you ask me almost everyday about Bridget.”

“Shut up, Brayden.”

“She’s doing fine, if you wanted another daily Bridget update,” I joked. “And I was playing Xbox with her yesterday and she was in high spirits, although tired. She keeps whining about what a bitch her classes are, even though they haven’t started yet.”

“Has she…has she ever asked about me?” Esmond asked, hesitantly.

“No.” I think Bridget was starting to slowly forget about my brother—either that, or she just didn’t want to start thinking about him again. “You’re familiar with the breakup stage, Esmond. Once you’re done, you’re done. Unless, that is, you guys broke up on friendly terms, but man: You literally ripped her heart out and threw it into a flaming pit of lava. Not to mention, you cheated on her with your best friend, so it isn’t quite surprising she’s ignoring you completely.”

“Geez, thanks for the trip down memory lane, Brayden. Just what I needed,” he said, sarcastically.

“You asked about her,” I huffed.

“Can’t you be a nice brother for once and tell me what you know I want to hear?”

“I don’t tell lies, Esmond. I am not going to turn into mom.”

“She called me yesterday and was asking about you, you know.”

I snorted. “Cool. Like I care.”

“She misses you.”

“I don’t,” I scoffed. “I’m sure that was a lie, anyway, because she has a new son now.” I tried to suppress the hurt that was rising in my chest right now. The last thing I needed was to cry. I hate crying. Fuck, guys aren’t even supposed to cry.

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