❅H10❅ Accidental Third Wheeler

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Chapter Ten

Heather's POV

Accidental Third Wheeler


October 16

I really hate how the girl's bathroom is downstairs. I wonder why the builders, when building this dorm, didn't put the male and female restrooms together on the same floor. It'd be fair, and would save me from having to practically sprint downstairs every morning just to pee.

When I came out of the bathroom this morning, I was surprised to see Brayden emerging from Berkeley's room. His hair was messy, and his clothes were wrinkled. I suspected he slept over in her room last night.

"Morning, Brayden," I chirped.

Brayden snapped his head up to look at me. He smiled. "Morning."

"Just woke up?" I asked.

He nodded, running a hand through his brown hair.

I decided not to ask him about why he was in Berkeley's room last night. I figured it wasn't my place to ask. "You want to grab breakfast together?"

"That sounds great," he said. "Where?"

"Well, I was thinking of busing over to Northgate..." Northgate was a small district in Seattle. There was a mall there along with plenty of food shops.

"Cool. Let me change into something else and I'll meet you out here in ten?"

"Sure. I'm going to go upstairs to change as well. See you in ten!"

Upstairs in my room, I traded my pajamas for a white T-shirt, a cream-colored maxi cardigan, and navy-colored jeans. For some reason, I loved wearing cardigans. I've always found them to be comfortable and soft. Before heading out of my dorm, I grabbed my purse.

True to his words, Brayden was waiting for me outside of his room. He was wearing a knitted gray sweater and black pants. He also had a gray beanie over his head, which I found to be kind of cute on him.

"Since when did you start wearing beanies?" I mused.

"Since it started getting cold outside," he said.

I smiled. "Makes sense."

"I haven't been to Northgate before."

"Me neither. But I was thinking we could scour the area. Isabelle told me there was a library over there: we could make that our new study area if we find here to be too boring."

"That sounds like a good idea. I'm getting sick of studying here every day, anyway, so we should take a day off."

"And do math and our Java assignment later tonight," I added.

Brayden nodded his head in agreement.

"We should start heading out to the bus stop," I suggested.

"Lead the way, Forde," he said, calling me by my last name. I know I sometimes call him by his last name, too. I wonder if this would be a friendship thing of ours—calling each other by our last names, I mean.

We were about to head out of the hallway together when the door to Berkeley's room opened. Out came Berkeley dressed in a gray sweater, a black leather skirt, and a black moto jacket. She stopped when she saw Brayden and I. Her eyes flickered over to me first, and then to Brayden. A look that I couldn't quite make out crossed over her facial features. Maybe it was hurt? Or jealousy? I don't know, I'm terrible at reading people (unless their emotions were really obvious to me), but whatever it was that she was feeling, she quickly averted her eyes from us.

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