Chapter 6: Regular Pranks

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Rinas POV
"You my friend has fire powers" Lonns simply said. How the fck can she confirmed that.

"What? How do you know that? Isn't it too early to confirm it as fire powers?" I asked. Seriously, what the bloody hell is this?

"Well let's test it then. Well if you don't believe me" she said, chill as ever

"Fire is an element. There are different kinds elements, water, earth, etc. Fire can be expressed as anger or whatever. Yours, appeared randomly. We just had laughs then we ate crap. You trying to find the next victim was all you did." she said

"Hmm" the fck, this is super confusing!

"Try conjuring water without wishing for water" she added. I tried to make water on my hands but no water was to avail. Lonnie observed as I did this. She had the look of concentration. Whenever someone tries to snap out of her concentration, they're dead meat. There was this one time, Lonnie was focusing on her show and someone almost hit head but it hit her headphones, then a series of bad words filled the room. Lonnie almost teared sht out of him. Ps. Don't provoke Lonnie when she's concentrating

"See? No water came out of you. You only got fire generation" she said as she popped gum in her mouth. Yeeshh. This girl is always eating

"Fine but this is so random. How the hell did I get fire powers? And why did I get them?" I said. The world is so weird

"Maybe it was the flute. You did get your other powers from it" she said

"Maybeeee but how come its random?" I asked. Looking at her emotionless face, I've got a feeling if I ask too many questions,I'd be dead meat.

"There are some things that science can not answer. Enough of the chit chat. Let's prank more people" she said as she stand up. Phew, I thought I'd be dead right now. I followed her out of the tent.

"So who's our next?"

"Zamantha and Dinna" I said as she had a sly smirk. I shuddered. Sometimes-ok a lot of times, she makes me question who has the demonic mind here.

"Alright. Let's go back to pranking." She said

Lonnies POV
We creeped around towards Zamantha and Dinnas' tent. Luckily they were inside. I mentally asked Rina for a white cloak. She snapped and gave me one. I put it on while she puts on black one. We were lucky we have long hair. Our hair covered our faces. We were ready. I zipped down the zipper of their tent. We hid beside each of the tent and went quiet for awhile. Dinna went outside first then Zamantha. As in que, we jumped out and scared both girls.

Readers POV
"It's a White and Black Lady! Sht,let's get out of here!" Dinna said as they tried to to run. The duo who can't stop giggling stopped the almost running girls. Lonnie and Rina moved their hair out of their faces and burst out laughing. The embarrased girls tried to hid their red tomatoe faces.

"What the heck, Lonnie! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Zamantha said as she tried to chase the laughing girls. The duo had taken their costumes off and began running at a full pace. Zamantha couldn't keep up their pace and eventually she stopped chasing them. The duo ran back to their tent,panting.

"That was a blast!" Rina panted

"Oh bloody hell it was! Let's save the best when its gathering time" Lonie said as she smirked

"Can't wait" the duo smirked, silently watching their classmates having fun. It was still early. The best of friends watched their favorite shows, Adventure Time. Lonnie grabbed her bag to find more gum but there wasn't any

"Ah sht. I want more gum" she said

"What kind of gum? Chewing gum or Sugarless Gum(Bubbline)?" Rina said as her eyes were glued to her gadget

"Uh Both? Seriously I need more chewing gum, I ran out. Well I also need Sugarless Gum moments if ya don't mind" she snickered

"Well Adventure Time already ended and the episodes we're watching are the same old. Here's your chewing gum" Rina said as she snapped her fingers and a pack of gum appeared. She handed it Lonnie

"Thanks but Adventure Time Distant Lands is coming soon. I just hope there's a Bubbline moment" She said as she grabbed the pack and stuffed it inside her backpack. Both girls went back to watching. A few episodes later and they were done.

"Man, it's not even sun down. How the hell? I thought it was time" Rina said as she stretched.

"I thought so too but an episode takes 10 minutes or so and we watched a bunch of episodes in season 10 till the finale" Lonnie said as she check the time.

"Welp, Im'ma watch Gravity Falls now. It'd be a great time killer for me" Rina said as she plopped down and started watching

"You seriously gonna watch the whole 2 seasons?" Lonnie asked

"Nah, only the best episodes" she said as she still focused on her phone

"Ok, Im'ma head out" Lonnie said as she opened the zipper and went through it

"K" Rina replied

Lonnies POV
I headed out. I went to the creek. Just watching the scenery makes you calm. It's good to be alone once in a while. I was minding my own business when suddenly my eyes spotted another pair of eyes. It was a guy on a tree. Only his eyes could be seen as clothing were strapped all around him. His clothing seemed to be camouflaged as the tree. He seemed to be spying? Stalking? What a creep. He looked nervous though. I stand up only to see the guy fled into another part of forest. I had no intention on following him though. It was already sun down. Time does pass fast if you were in your thoughts. I went back to camp. A teacher lighting up fire as some gathered. I went back to the tent only to see Rinas eyes still glued to her phone. I tapped her shoulder.

"Its pranking time"

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