Chapter 22: Faults

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Readers POV
"We need to go now!" Louis shrieked at the now startled group

"What? Why? Is something wrong?" Lonnie asks as she stands up and puts her hand on his hand

"Lonnie, we need to go back home. I've got a bad feeling that something worst gonna happen" and with that, the three packed their things and headed out of the castle with goodbyes

"Lonnie wait! Take Saige with you. It'd be faster" Angela says as a Kitsune creature came out with Kyle. The Kitsune who apparently named as Saige licked Lonnie all over

"What?! Mythical creatures exist in this land?!" Rina shrieked, shaking Louis by the collar

"Hey, hey. I miss you too. Now Louie, hop on." Lonnie said as Louis got out from Rinas grasp and raised a brow

"What? Why me and not you two? Isn't Saige a little too small to you know?" Louis asked. Angela took a treat from her pocket and fed Saige with it. A minute later Saige grew twice her size.

"Just do it. I never said that I won't hope on"

"There. Quit chatting and just hope on, lover boy." Kyle said as Saige looked at Louis for a moment, then smiled. Louis took that as a sign and hoped on, holding on to her dark blue mane. Rina started her powers and began to float. Lonnie hopped on Saige, in front of Louis.

"Hold on to me, alright?" Lonnie says as Saige started walking. Louis hold on to her sides and they became invisible with Rina.

"I'd rather be not noticed by unfamiliar folk." With that as said, Saige's walking became faster and it turned to running. Rina was at their tail of coarse. They dashed through the village and into the forest. Saige stopped as they hopped off.

"Thanks for the ride, Saige. You go back to the castle now. I'd be back soon" Lonnie says as she patted her head. She wags her tails and nod in agreement.

"Be safe, Princess" The Kitsune muttered.


"It could talk?!" Rina shrieked as Saige ran off

"No time to be surprised now. Lonnie, open up the door" Louis said with a serious face. Without a time to waste. The 2 instantly held on to each other as Lonnie opened the door. With that, they were back and Rina's phone instantly beeped. You have missed 6 calls from little btch face. The phone read but Rina ignored it and began sprinting to Lonnies with the 2 trailing behind. As the house came in to view, a few people were gathered around to inspect with whatevers going on. The trio stopped and panted. With shock faces, Lonnie dashed inside to see the place was trashed and no Emma was to be seen.

"What happened here bi- Angel?" Rina asked her sister. Who currently was one with the crowd

"Could you stop fooling around for a bit? I came back from school late and my friends and I heard oddly loud noises from Lonnies. I was even surprised that the door next door didn't hear anything of it. I called you six fcking times you know. Where the bloody hell were you?" Angel says.

"Well, they said that they were going for mini vacation but that's besides the point. I was still at my school bro. Did you forget that I'm in high school? You could have called the police instead of me"

"I ran out of battery at the sixth call. So don't go blaming on me." Angel says as she sighed. Rina rolled her eyes

"Louis, you going in?" Rina says as Louis was stuck at the door way, head hanging low. Taking that as a no, Rina stepped in, looking around. Lonnie looked around with Rina who was now trailing right behind her. Rina looks at the kitchen to see an unconscious Emma lying down on the kitchen floor

"Lonnie!" With that, Lonnie immediately went to the kitchen with an unreadable face. She immediately checked her pulse as Rina called an ambulance.

"She's still alive but her pulse is low." Lonnie says as she she backed and found a pillow for her aunt to lay on

"Don't worry. I called one. You go check the rooms. I'll watch her." Rina said as she pulled up a fallen chair and sat on it. Lonnie nodded and headed up stairs, checking the rooms.

Louis still hasn't move from his spot until his phone chimed. He got a text. Nice work, Sky. The text beamed. He sighed and put it away. With a guilty expression, he looked around, guessing this was bound to happen. He just didn't realise it earlier. Then, the ambulance. 2 men came in with a stretcher as Louis got out of the way.

"Over here!" Rina shouted from the kitchen. The 2 men immediately went there and gently pick Emma and put her on the stretcher.

"Lonnie, they're here!" As in que, Lonnie went back down with as the men loaded the truck

"I'm coming with them. You guys could come or not." Lonnie says as she went out of the door

"We're coming" both of them said as they went out of the house and in to the truck.

"I'm calling mom. She could look after the house for us." Rina said right before she could dial her mom. The truck was surprisingly big for an ambulance. Well if it didn't, how in the hell could Rina and Louis come? The ride was silent except for Rinas chat with her mom. After a few minutes, she hang up.

"Do you have the other part of the flute?" Lonnie asked, starting a conversation

"No. I left mine with you. I have no reason to bring it with me. I put it in your top drawer"

"Its not in there.." Lonnie said as she pulled out her part of the flute from her bag

"Who... who would do this? No one knows about the flute and yet, there's a robbery at your place. Emma doesn't even have several injuries but is unconscious. We even avoided topics like these at school but UgHhhh" Rina said as she stopped herself from babbling on and on. Louis on the other hand stayed quiet. He looked at Lonnie who was so deep in thought. Then, the bus stopped. Someone opened the door as Louis went out first, then Lonnie and Rina was last. The men huddled to get Emma out and immediately went in the building with them trailing behind. After everything was filled up and Emma was sleeping on a bed in a room, Louis called them for a talk.

"This is all my fault"

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