Chapter 24: Glitches and Memories

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Readers POV
"What do you mean it was broken into three parts?!" Luke's boss shouted. A goon of his was in charge of seeking information and apparently they just discovered that it was broken down into three. Luke stands right beside him, his eyes glitching from red to blue.

"We've gotten 1 of them, boss. Taking the other 2 would be a piece of cake" the other goon says.

"You Nitwits! That princess already knows that the fcking half was stolen! Do I have to fcking repeat myself?!" The boss shouts, nearly slapping his goons. The goons backed away.

"No, boss" they said quietly.

"If I may, sire. The newbie has been doing good these days, spying on the girl just by being friends with her. Since they are good acquaintances, why not bring him into the plan. He could go gather more information about the flute" Luke says as his eyes were slightly blue. The boss smiled, patting or should I say slapping Luke's back

"Good idea, Luke. It's nice to see that some are still using their minds. Bring the kid later." He says as he stands up and left the room (to admire part of the flute). His goons scoffed and walked away, chatting about nonsense. Luke went back to his room. His eyes glitched from red to blue. Clutching his head, he sits down as his eyes glitched. His head was now flooded with memories

"Come on Lonnie, don't be such a bad sport" a 14 year old Luke says, messing his sisters hair. The 4 year old huffed and pouted

"Its not fair! This makes no sense or maybe because you keep on changing the rules" Lonnie ranted, still having a fit. Her brother chuckled and stuck out his toung

"My Luke, I'm so glad that you've joined me. Once we have the flute, we could rule Reverie together" His boss says as they clanked their glasses

"Right back at you, my bro"

"Brother, look!" Lonnie pointed at an animal. He look at it and smiled. Crouching down to Lonnies level, he picked her up as she squealed in surprise

"I want to have one" she said with big, gleaming eyes. He chuckled as he held her

"Its too big for you to keep, sis. Maybe when your older"

"Fine" she pouted-

Luke shrugged of the memories but it kept replaying in his mind. Tears were now rolling down his cheeks as he struggled to control his self.

"I'm so sorry, sis"


"Are you okay, Louis? You've been staring at the back for awhile" Jane asks. The group was already at the table well some was. Some already started eating and some were on phones

"Huh? Erm yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about the finals" he said simply. Rina looked at him for a moment then back went back to her phone

"Where's Lonnie?"

"She's absent"

"Why? Did something happened?"

"It's rare to see Lonnie coming down with something. She usually gets the cold when-"

"Hey guys!" A voice shouted behind them. Lonnie came in with a teacher right behind her

"I thought you were absent?" Rina asks completely confused

"Only a half day. I wasn't planning on being absent today but..." Lonnie paused, trying to find an excuse.

"Doesn't matter. I'm here now" she says as she sat down. The group made a lot of room. Lonnie gave them a confused look.

"Behind you" Rina said as the girl looks behind her to see Teacher Jasmine with a trey of food

"Cher Jasmine...... Aren't you supposed to be eating at the Teachers corner?" Lonnie asks as she kept her tone stable. Jasmine sat down beside her

"Yes but since you insisted on coming to school this afternoon, might as well keep an eye on you while we're here" she said as she began opening Lonnies lunch box. The others look at them in confusion

"Erm. That's my lunch box"

"You didn't eat at home so I packed you one" She said with a comforting smile. She gave it to Lonnie. I'm not hungry. Even if I am, I don't have the mood to do so. Lonnie thought as she gave a thank you and took the box. She then started to eat it slowly

"I know this is already weird but isn't it weird-er that the couple isn't lovey dovey today? Sure, they are still sitting beside each other but I'm sensing the  feeling of distance." Niko said, still observing the scene. Everyone nodded and were now having worried faces. Lonnie groaned

"Give them a break guys. They are probably too tired to interact with each other considering the weekend they just had." Rina said, serious.

"Yeah but shouldn't they at least say something to-" Niko was caught off by a now glaring Rina. He stopped talking and continued eating.

"We're alright guys. Lonnie and I are just having a break" Louis said as he looked at Lonnie who was somewhat happy in the moment. He searched her eyes, trying to find something. He sighed as he found it. Pain. It was all covered up with her happy aura.

"Yeah..." Lonnie answered with a small voice

"Lonns, could I talk to you, now?" Rina says as she stands up, waiting for Lonnie to do so. She nodded. They went to the girls bathroom

"So what's up?"

"The ceiling, Lonnie. I know that you don't want to talk about this but-"

"I know." Lonnie sighed. Trying not to break down

"Lonnie. You didn't give him a chance to explain." Rina says with a calming voice

"I'm sorry." The girl says as a tear escaped

"Hey, It's ok. It's not me who you should say sorry to though." Rina says as she brought her to a hug

"I know... I just need time and recollect-"

"Thoughts? Yeah I know. But don't take too much time. You know what will happen if you do." Lonnie nodded as she calmed down as she wiped her tears.

"I'll let you think about it, ok?" Rina says as they walked out of the room. She nodded as they went back to their table. Louis managed to give her a smile. Lonnie gave a small smile in return.

BTS (Behind The Scenes)
"Hey, what's that?" Zam asks Rina

"A yuri ship" Rina answers. I don't know ughh joins in

"Shh. Stop talking about yuri. Sugu might-"

"DID SOMEONE SAY YURIII?!" Sugu and Lonnie bursts in the room, shouting

"-not update"

"WHAT" Zam and Rina exclaimed

"Well now you've done it. Expect the next update...

"When's the next update?!"

"I don't really know but it's not anytime soon"

"NOOOOOOOO" the cast shouts. In the background, Lonnie and Sugu are praising a yuri poster

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