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Jungkook point of view

I wake up because the sun rays was hitting my face i felt arms around my waist i looked up to see it was taehyung who was already looking at me with a smile and i quickly back off and looked at him "good morning" he said i just looked at him

"is there no good morning wish for me" he said with a pout "g-good morning" i said "aigoo what's wrong?" he asked "im sorry im not used to wake up with someone besides me since im alone" i said

"what do you want in breakfast?" i asked "anything..wait your house to cook?" he asked "yup don't you know That im the best cook" i said as i flip my hair and he chuckled "really?i don't think so" he said

"you'll see....you will fall in love with my cooking skills" i said how can he say so and leave the room heading to kitchen to prepare meal

Third person point of view

"i have already fallen inlove jungkookie" taehyung mumbled as jungkook leave the room jungkook was cooking breakfast when he felt someone grab the hem of his shirt he looked down at it was taeggukie "good morning baby" jungkook said and carry her in his arms "morning eomma" taeggukie said

"did you sleep well?" jungkook asked and kissed his forehead "yes eomma" taeggukie said "okay go and get appa tell him breakfast is ready" jungkook said with a smile taeggukie noddes while going upstairs and come back with taehyung

"breakfast is ready let's eat" jungkook said "ok I'll be the judge of this" taehyung said "aish just eat" jungkook said and taehyung took a bit and was shocked "wow it so tasty" taehyung said "i know right" jungkook said and winked

They were eating peacefully when they hear the bell rings "ill get it" jungkook said and stood up and went to open the door "oh jimin" jungkook said as he saw him standing there

"jungkook what are you doing here" jimin asked a bit confused "i forgot my car in park we went to yesterday" jungkook said "so you guys spend the day together?" jimin said

"yah come in taehyung and taeggukie are in dinning room" jungkook said and jimin went inside and jungkook follow him after closing the door

"oh jimin hyung what brings you here?" taehyung asked as he saw jimin "well i come here to give you this document im sorry I didn't know your having a little bonding" jimin said last part teasingly "hyung stop it" taehyung said and they both chuckle

"I'll go wash the dishes you guys talk and after I'll call my driver" jungkook said "oh i will drive you" taehyung said "oh no need tae" jungkook said with a smile and went to wash dishes

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