Chapter 1

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Harry sat down at the Gryffindor table and dropped his head into his hands as he sunk lower into the seat. His head hurt from another sleepless night, the third one in a row. He had managed to get only two hours of sleep last night, which had also been plagued with nightmares.

His sleepless nights were due to stress from fights with his girlfriend. They had been fighting a lot lately, Ginny and Harry, the one they had had three days ago had been the worst one, Ginny hadn't talked to him since. Whenever he tried reaching out to her, she would turn away and leave him alone. Since the war three months ago, their relationship hadn't been stable, it was like the understanding they had with each other was now lost and they just didn't click. 

As soon as Harry closed his eyes he was taken back to their fight. It had been a very trivial argument at first but then had quickly escalated into a full blown fight. The both of them had crossed lines they didn't even know existed until the damage was done.

"What's wrong with you?" Ginny had said, fiercely, keeping her voice low so they wouldn't draw attention.

This had come after Harry had asked if Ginny still liked him because their previous fights had been every indication against that. As much as he didn't want to think it, the thought had nagged him incessantly and he had just blurted it out when an awkward silence had settled between them.

"Of course I still like you Harry," Ginny had said after asking what was wrong with him. Then she said, "Why would you even think that?"

Harry couldn't control himself anymore so he said "Well you would rather hang out with Luna, Neville, Dean and Seamus, you blew off our last two dates to chill with them, you don't talk to me anymore, so what else was I supposed to think?" All the words had left his mouth before he could stop himself, but they were true, and now they hung in the air between them. Then Ginny got up, picked up her bag, and said that she should have just studied with her friends from the seventh year instead of Harry and left him sitting alone at the desk in the Gryffindor common room. She hadn't talked to him since.

The last three nights had gone with Harry stressing over his failing relationship and trying to figure out how to fix it. So when he walked into the Great Hall on Friday morning, all that kept him going was the thought of the weekend. He kept his head down, even when Hermione put some bacon and egg on his plate. When she pushed a goblet of pumpkin juice towards him and said something he didn't care to listen to, he picked up his head just long enough to push the goblet away and then went back to his original position.

"Mate you need to eat something," Ron said, concerned.

"I am not hungry," came the mumbled reply.

Ron and Hermione left him alone after that knowing there was nothing they could do about it. When they were done eating, they left for their first class, Transfiguration. They walked together, but it was more like Harry trailing behind Ron and Hermione as they walked close to each other with Ron's arm around Hermione's shoulders.

Since they had started dating, the three of them had spent a lot less time together. Not that Harry minded, because Ron and Hermione were great for each other, and they made each other better people (in Ron's case also smarter). He just missed spending time as the three of them, but he knew he could always fall back on any of them and they would catch him, be there for him no matter what.

He sat through Transfiguration, Charms, and History of Magic before lunch. Since he had a free period after lunch, he decided to go and rest in the dormitories before double Potions.

As Harry excused himself from the table to go back to the dorms, Ron followed him outside and caught up with him at the door. Harry turned towards him and asked about Hermione so Ron said she was going to the library for research on her Arithmancy homework or something and he needed to talk to Harry anyway.

"Go on then," Harry said to Ron as they walked towards the Gryffindor dormitories.

"This is about you and Ginny," Ron said and Harry visibly stiffened. Maybe he was going to scold him for fighting with his sister.

"No, it's chill, I am not going to scold you or anything, but it is related to your fights," he told him and Harry relaxed a bit. By now they had reached the dorms and they took seats across from each other on the sofas.

"Look," Ron began," I don't think you and Ginny should date anymore, Hermione doesn't either."

Harry was shocked. "What do you mean?"

"Well we think that you and Ginny are better off as friends, because from your fights it doesn't look like you guys actually want to date but are just doing it for old time's sake. So what I am saying is, think about it. If you don't even like her then there is no point in trying to save a non- existent relationship."

When it was put that way, Harry realised how true it was. He wasn't sure if he liked Ginny that way anymore, and he knew they would always be friends, and he could trust her, it was just his feelings for her weren't romantic, and he had an inkling that she felt the same.

"You are right," Harry said, looking at Ron. "I'll talk to her after classes today and break up, because as much as I like her, the feelings just aren't romantic." Ron gave him a nod of his head to show his approval, then said goodbye and left to go meet Hermione in the library. "Meet you during Potions, mate. You should sleep a little right now."

Harry looked at the time, and there were only twenty minutes left until Potions, therefore no point in sleeping, so he just thought about what he was going to say to Ginny.

Soon enough it was time to leave for Potions, and he picked up his bag and left. He walked in and sat down in his seat beside Malfoy. He promptly put his head in his hands, Potions was the last class and Harry was tired.

His head hurt so much that when Malfoy made another one of his snarky remarks he didn't even have the strength to raise his head. "Potter, I said, having troubles with the Weaslette, are we?" Malfoy repeated himself a little louder making the Slytherins in the class snicker. Harry raised his head to look Malfoy in the eye and say, "Shut up Malfoy," with all the power he had before dropping his head down again.

Now that their Potions professor was Slughorn, they were allowed to choose their own seats. Harry was still stuck with Malfoy, because when he had looked around the class for a potential partner, he had found only pairs; Ron and Hermione, Dean and Seamus, Blaise and Pansy, etcetera, so the only other person left without a partner was Malfoy. And now they were stuck together for the rest of the year, yay. Harry was so tired that he didn't even know what potion they were making as he blindly followed Malfoy's instructions.

It had become an unsaid rule that since Harry was bad at Potions, and Malfoy was good, Harry would just do the chopping while Malfoy did the actual brewing. At the end of class, Professor Slughorn told them to leave their cauldrons to brew and they could test the potions on Monday; as they had Potions for the first class. Harry quickly picked up his bag and left, heading straight for the dormitories, determined to go through with his plan as soon as possible.

It seemed as though Ginny Weasley had the same idea, for when Harry entered the common room, she was already there waiting, waving him over to a sofa. As soon as he was seated, they both said at the same time, "I need to talk to you-" Harry then said, "You first."

So Ginny started speaking. "Harry, I think we should break up because as much as I like you it's not in the romantic sense and I still want to be friends with you I'll always be there for you no matter what-" but before she could finish he was hugging her. 

 "I am so happy you feel the same way Gin and yes we should always be friends and I will be there for you no matter what," Harry said after pulling away. This time it was Ginny's turn to hug him and then she left saying that she had promised Luna she would study with her.

With that off his chest, Harry stood up and walked to the boys dorm and slept peacefully till dinner. No more relationship stress troubling his brain so obviously when he went down to the great hall for dinner he was in a much better mood and and Ron and Hermione felt good to see their best friend being himself again.

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