Bonus Chapter

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Consider this a thank you chapter you all! Thank you for the 900+ reads and the 200+ votes!!! I didn't expect the story to get so many and I am so thankful that it did.
So I am going to keep this chapter short. It's the whole scene where they enter Hogwarts and Draco has a panic attack in Harry's P.O.V.

To the chapter:

Harry slipped his hand into Draco's as the whole gang made their way to the school. He had had a gut feeling that something was about to go wrong. Everything just seemed to good to be true, not that he minded but still he just couldn't shake of the uneasiness.

They made their way into the school to be greeted with uproar.

"Harry get away from Malfoy!" someone shouted and he moved closer without thinking, tightening his  hand around Draco's.
"You Death Eater scum don't go near Harry ever again!" he heard someone else say.

Harry had had enough and he raised his voice above the crowd, "What the fuck is going on here?"

Someone came to them and gave them the paper and Harry didn't notice the dirty look he gave Draco, eyes instantly drawn to the cover page.


A picture of all three was printed on the page and he skimmed through the article. He felt a his heart starting to constrict with fear and anxiety, but they weren't his emotions. He turned to look at Draco, who had pulled his hand out of Harry's and was running away from the crowd.

He felt a wave a strong panic wash over him, instantly recognising it as Draco's.  He ran after the blond who was pushing his way through the crowd. He followed Draco into a bathroom where Draco had collapsed on the floor, panting and leaning against the wall.

Harry walked towards him and picked up the boy, making him sit partially on his lap. Draco leaned into the embrace and Harry comforted him as best he could. He didn't say anything, if Draco wanted to talk about it, he would.

"I-I need to show you something Draco said in a strangled whisper. Harry was extremely worried and he could feel Draco's utter sadness. The blond waved his wand over himself, and removed his upper clothes showing his chest. A chest that was lined with scars not just the scars Harry had given him. There were other scars and bruises everywhere.

Harry really wanted to kill whoever had done that to his kitten. He felt so sad looking at his broken boyfriend. He also felt scared, but it wasn't his own.

"Dray..." Harry said trying to control his magic which he knew would bring the bathroom down. "Who did this?"

Draco looked at him sadly, "Father mostly some of it was Bellatrix," he said in a broken whisper. "Why didn't you show these to me at first?" Harry asked gently.

"Because I was scared, scared you would realise that I am just a boy with scars and leave, scared that you would stop loving me and see me differently," Draco said.

Harry was heatt broken to see that his boyfriend thought so little of himself, when in reality Draco was the best person Harry had ever met. He put his hand on Draco's cheek, "Everyone has scars Draco, I do too, I don't know why you thought I would leave you, if anything I would kill Bellatrix if she was still alive and your father if he I was allowed to kill him in Azkaban but now that he has escaped I might just."

Draco smiled at him and then kissed him softly on the lips. Harry knee he was in control of his magic and he felt that Draco had calmed down too. "Come on, let's get you to the dorm," he said getting up and pulling him along. The blond hurriedly pulled on his shirt and slipped his hand into Harry's again as they made their way to the dormitories.

He tucked Draco into bed and decided to get some dinner for them both.

"I am just going to get us some dinner, alright?" He asked Draco. The boy nodded in reply as he reluctantly let go off his hand. Harry placed a small kiss on his forehead before leaving.

He made his way to the kitchens and the elves piled a plate with enough food to feed a small army.

He suddenly felt light headed and again recognised the feeling as Draco's and didn't like that so he took faster steps towards the dormitories.

The first thing Harry noticed when he came back was the fact that Draco wasn't on his bed. The second thing he saw was that the window was open. He placed the food tray on the bedside table and made his way over to the window where he found a piece of parchment with writing on it. Writing that was addressed to him.

Harry Potter,
We have your boyfriend and trust us when we say we will torture him for being a faggot but that's not all. You must know that we have managed to take Draco, we will get to you too. 

See you soon Harry Potter,
Lucius Malfoy, Amycus Carrow and Alecto Carrow.



Mosses comes bearing news for the writer as she is still hiding from angry readers.

Mosses must thank all you amazing people for the 200+ votes. Mosses also wants to ask if anyone wants any other chapters in Harry's P.O.V.  Leave a comment please.

Mosses must tell you that a new chapter will be updated in two days maximum and the writer is very sorry to keep you waiting.

Don't forget to vote and comment!

Loads of love,
Mosses and x18potterheadx ❤

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