Thank You!

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Thank you so much for sticking with this book till the very end. I really hope you liked it.

Honestly speaking I wrote this on an impulse. All these ideas kept popping into my head and I never did plan on acting on them but then quarantine happened and I had a lot of free time so I finally got down to it.

I thought I would lose motivation and end up discontinuing the book but well here we are. Also I can't believe people are actually reading this. I want to thank some very important people and your names are in no specific order.

Anika_623 for the perfect cover and giving me so much support.

drarry_goose for all of their support.

IWillMurderYouUwU for spamming the beginning chapters with comments. I loved reading them!

LCRofficial for voting on practically every chapter.

An0633 for voting and yes spamming me with comments.

LiJWrites  sweetbutsour_56 for showing me so much support with the whole book.

GeekStee for giving some great advice.

fiery_brit_xd the wedding scene couldn't have happened without you!

Dream2Imagine4ever for voting and commenting and writing the wedding chapter with me.

A big thanks to everyone else who read this story and/or voted or commented. And to every other person who will read this after I am done completing the book. I hope you liked it!

So I guess this is goodbye then people.
Love you loads,
x18potterheadx ❤

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