Chapter 6

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Dedicated to Anika_623 for voting on practically every chapter. Thank You! <3

There is some trauma and PTSD triggers in the chapter so I have put a warning before the part and you could skip it. It's about Harry's past with the Dursleys.



Don't ever call her that again, don't ever call anyone that again," he snarled at Daphne Greengrass as she walked away, disgust evident on her face. He sat back down, trying to calm himself, but Harry could feel Draco trembling with anger. Impulsively, he placed his hand on his and Draco seemed to calm down a bit, so he didn't remove it. He saw Hermione whisper something in Draco's ear and Draco smiled, god that smile. He saw as all the anger left Draco as everyone smiled at him and he smiled back. 

Harry gently squeezed Draco's hand to show his appreciation, and the message went through, as Draco turned his radiant smile towards him. That smile is going to be the death of me Harry thought. Then he was confused, why was he getting attracted to Draco's smile all of a sudden? It must be because the smiles didn't come often, so he was just happy for his friends. Yup that was it, he was just happy, it was totally platonic. Harry smiled back at him and then they went back to eating breakfast, laughing around as if they had been friends for a long time. The Slytherins were surprisingly good company, they could be a pain in the ass, sure, but they had all the gossip and were definitely fun to hang out with. 

Harry realised it had been two hours since they had come to the Great Hall, but not that they cared, it was Sunday. Except Hermione and Draco, that is, those two had gone to the library to study… boring. After a while, everybody decided to go back to their own dorms and get some homework done before Draco or Hermione killed them. 

Ron and Harry went to the dorms, got their bags, and made their way to the library to study with Hermione, like they usually did every Sunday. They found Draco and Hermione sitting together, talking, more like having a very intellectual discussion, out of which Harry and Ron only understood the articles. Then Draco noticed the two standing by the side, "Well look who finally remembered they have homework to do." Harry and Ron quickly hurried to the table and took out their books, quills, and parchment, and got to work. With both Draco and Hermione on their heads, they couldn't actually talk so they focused and studied. 

When Draco saw Harry's handwriting he lost it. "Potter, your handwriting is atrocious," Draco said. "It's legible," Harry replied, shrugging like he had heard that statement before. Harry looked at Draco's work. Compared to his elegant handwriting; anything would look bad. After finishing their homework they talked for a bit, and Harry felt great to see Draco getting along with his friends. Of course Ron and Draco got into the occasional argument, but there was no snide in it, and Draco didn't make any remarks about Ron's financial state again. 

They walked to lunch together and all four of them just ended up sitting at the Slytherin table because most of their Gryffindor friends were there. They had found a new group of friends and all of them were happy to finally be able to live without snide remarks from the other. "Okay Gryffindors, since you are now our friends and new at this, what do you say we do what all us Slytherins do on Saturdays and go to Hogsmeade together?" Pansy asked, and all the Gryffindors agreed.

Up at the teacher's table, Headmistress Mcgonagall smiled fondly at the newly formed group of friends, and the fact that Draco was staring at Harry while the boy in question laughed openly at something Dean had said. 

"Want to go flying, Potter?" Draco asked as they walked out of the Great Hall together. The Slytherins had all left to go back to their common rooms, and Ron and Hermione were going together, Ginny and Luna had disappeared too, while Neville went to the herbology lab. Dean and Seamus had also left together. 

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