Chapter 2

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The news of Ginny and Harry's breakup spread through the school like wildfire. So naturally by dinner on Friday, Draco had heard the news too, and he was undeniably in a better mood, though he would never admit it.

When he saw Harry in the Great Hall he looked happy, still tired, but he was eating and joking around with his friends. From what Draco could see, it looked like Potter and the Weaslette had decided to stay friends because they were still talking normally.

When Potter had walked into Potions class that day, he had looked extremely dead and Draco really wanted to divert his attention from his problems. He decided to use the only way he could, the way he had been using for the past seven years. He made a snarky comment to get Potter to speak something, anything just so he would know Potter was not in that bad a condition.

When Potter didn't even hear him the first time, Draco got even more worried, so he repeated himself a little louder so that the whole class could hear. He knew that all the Slytherins snickering would definitely get a rise out of him, and he was right, but the comment didn't help much anyway. Harry raised his head to just say " Shut up Malfoy," before dropping his head again, but there had been no anger in his words; as if he had just said it out of compulsion.

Draco desperately wanted to bring a smile to that face but he knew that he couldn't, so he suppressed his pathetic Hufflepuff-y urges and got to work. God, Draco was turning into a Hufflepuff. What was wrong with him? Potter would never like him anyway. He was a Death Eater for Merlin's sake.

Usually, Draco helped Harry with the basic preparation also, but today he made Harry do all of the work just so he would see for how long Harry would go without making a dig at him, but Harry just blindly followed his instructions. Draco was pretty sure Harry didn't even know what potion they were brewing, because he had agreed to test the Amortentia without a fight.

Seeing Harry so dead made Draco feel bad, but he was still happy that for once he would have his feelings reciprocated, even if it was for just 24 hours. So now seeing Potter acting normally during dinner was definitely an improvement, and, no, Draco never planned on admitting that he thought all this. Until someone asked him point blank under the effect of Veritaserum, that is.

The rest of his weekend passed uneventfully, until Saturday night at least.

Whenever Draco had nightmares or couldn't sleep in his previous years, he would go to the owlery because that place always calmed him down. On Saturday night when he snuck out to the owlery, he was surprised to find someone else there. That someone else also happened to be Harry Potter, whose body was wracking with silent sobs.

Before he could stop himself, he was in front of Potter and already speaking.

"Well, looks like the Golden Boy is throwing himself a pity party. Where are Granger and Weaselbee? Did they finally leave you? What about the Weaslette?"

Potter looked up at him. "What are you doing here Malfoy?" he asked, his anger barely contained. Draco didn't miss the fact that the Gryffindor's hand immediately went to his wand. It hurt to see that Harry would be wary of even a simple conversation. He did deserve it, though.

"Well I could ask you the same question, Potter," Draco replied.

"Just leave me alone, Malfoy," he replied coldly. But his eyes were still red from crying, and he had a feeling that if he left he would start crying again.

"And why would I do that?" he asked, smirking. "Give me one valid reason."

Harry looked at him. "Because I am asking you to," he said through gritted teeth.

"I said valid reason, Potter."

Then Harry just started walking towards the doors, leaving him behind. "Potter, wait," Draco called after him. "Why are you really here?"

Harry thought for a moment and then sighed before speaking. "Hedwig, I had a nightmare about her death." Draco could see it took a lot out of Harry to stop himself from crying.

Draco changed the subject, "You know you have to test the Amorentia on Monday, right?"

Harry looked very confused, and then he said, "I agreed to do that, didn't I?" When Draco nodded and smirked, Harry realised he had no other way except to follow through with his words. "So bloody sneaky, using my state to your advantage," he said with a ghost of a smile. "There is a reason I got sorted into Slytherin, Potter," Draco sneered, but his words held no malice.

The boy looked at Draco almost pleadingly, and then said, "Could you please not tell anyone about my uh- episode tonight?"

Draco agreed after pretending to think for a while, just to irritate Potter, he didn't plan on telling anyone anyway.

Harry made to leave, but before exiting he turned to Draco and nodded. "Good night Malfoy," he said, and then left without waiting for a reply. Draco murmured, "Good night Potter" but was sure Harry didn't hear him. He stayed in the owlery for a while longer, looking at the night sky.He then snuck back to the Slytherin dungeons and went to bed with a small smile playing across his lips.

Why must you do this to me, Potter?


AUTHOR'S NOTE: I know this is a very short chapter but honestly this was just a filler and you people are going to love the next chapter (hopefully) so please bear with me.

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Loads of love,

x18potterheadx ❤

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