The Wedding

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Before you read this chapter I need to tell you that this has been a team effort. This chapter wouldn't have been possible without fiery_brit_xd who helped me decide the clothes and theme for the wedding and Dream2Imagine4ever who wrote the whole descriptive part of the chapter. Without the two of them this chapter wouldn't have happened. Thank You, both of you! You are the best!

Now to the chapter:

Today was the day. They were finally going to get married and become Malfoy-Potters.

The venue was lovely. It was the same place where they had their first official date. The two trees in the centre of the venue were decorated with lovely silver and green ribbons. In front of it was a lovely arch of beautiful white carnations and lovely green roses. It was to give the couple a blast of positivity as they got married. The white carnations represented pure love and good luck. While the green roses meant hope, abundance and bounty. Together they both created many positive feelings.

Upon the polished deck floor were a few rows of chairs, each one with a white covering and a large green ribbon tied into a bow at the back. In each seat was a small booklet summarising how the wedding was going to go. 

It was only a few more moments before the guests were allowed in and the wedding began.

Inside the Burrow was absolute chaos. They had temporarily split the house in half. There wasn't any other place for the groom's to go so they had to make do. They could have gone to Malfoy Manor but the place was too far away from their wedding venue.

Harry was with the girls and Draco with the boys. The emotions running through each group were not very different.

"Harry for the last time you look fine." Hermione nearly shouted as she fixed Harry's black bowtie. 

"Sorry I'm just really nervous."

"Dear, it's perfectly fine to be nervous. Merlin knows how worried I was when I was getting married. But you'll be fine. All that matters is that you love him and he loves you." Mrs Weasley said reassuring him.

"Plus you look great, so what is there to be worried about?" Pansy added looking Harry up and down.

Harry turned towards the mirror and had to admit. He did look pretty good. He had a plain white button up shirt, a white and black jacket, black trousers and to finish it off, a black bowtie.

To be honest, everyone looked amazing. Luna and Ginny as the bridesmaids were wearing a long pastel green dress that hugged at their waist but just flowed from there.

Victoire, who was the flower girl, had a cute white tuile dress with a light green flower sash at the waist. Fleur and Bill had gone ahead to the venue to sort out the guests, which although weren't that many, would still need help.

Pansy looked absolutely gorgeous. In a beautiful dark green number. It had short side sleeves and a slit that went just up to her mid-thigh at the front. Pansy was Draco's best man/lady, because it just felt wrong for him to choose anybody else. They had been through everything with each other and had held each other up. She was so happy that Draco had finally found happiness, even if it was because of Potter.

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