Chapter 5

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"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself, thanks." Draco said, keeping his face as blank as he could, and Potter actually looked a little hurt. Draco's heart filled with happiness at the fact that Harry cared. He then smiled and shook Harry's outstretched hand.

The two boys burst out laughing, and Draco just heard the sound of Harry's laugh and was positive he would give anything to hear that genuine happy laugh again. Stop being a Hufflepuff! What was Potter doing to him? They talked for a bit after that, just fun banter about the better quidditch tactics or the better broom. Draco felt good.

The next morning, Draco practically skipped into the Great Hall, playing the events of last night in his head. "Draco what is going on with you?" Pansy asked him. "Just let the boy smile for once, it doesn't happen often," Blaise said from beside her. "All the more reason I should know," Pansy replied, and continued to look at Draco questioningly. "What if I told you the reason I am smiling like this is because of Potter?" Draco asked. "I would say Blaise and I expected as much, and asked for more information," Pansy said, smirking. "I'll fill you guys in after lunch," Draco said and went back to his breakfast.

When Draco looked at the Gryffindor table towards Potter, the boy looked up and smiled. A half smile, the kind that says that they have a secret no one else knew about. Draco didn't have any classes with him today, but was hoping he would run into him sometime.

As the day passed and lunch came around, Draco looked over at the Gryffindor table and saw that Potter wasn't eating much... again. He had become so thin and he looked tired most of the time, but so did Draco. The war had affected them all in different ways, some more than the others, but affected all the same.

After lunch, he was completely free, and so were Pansy and Blaise. They went together to the Slytherin common room and sat in a secluded corner as Draco filled them in on the details of the previous night. Pansy practically squealed and hugged him and Blaise just grinned.

He was so happy his friends didn't mind because they were his family, they had been there for him through everything, when his father had abandoned him and just used him as a pawn and his mother had been too weak to say anything. They would sit with him and be there for him, listen to his rants, do stupid things with him to get him through the bad days and the two mattered more to Draco than anyone else. Draco grinned back at them. They sat together and got some homework done. Then it was time for dinner and the three walked to the Great Hall together, laughing and talking.

Out of habit, Draco's eyes went to the Gryffindor table, but Harry wasn't there, and neither were Weaselbee and Granger. After three to four minutes, those two showed up, but Harry didn't come for dinner at all. Where the fuck was Harry? Pansy knew exactly what Draco was thinking about and put an arm around him to comfort him. "I am sure he is alright," she whispered so that no one except him and Blaise could hear.

As Draco walked into the owlery that night, he saw that Potter was already there, and he almost turned around--but he remembered that they were friends now. So he made his way over to the boy who--he only noticed now--was crying with his head in his hands. He gently shook his shoulder. "Potter," he said. Harry looked up at the Slytherin. "I was hoping you would show up," he said.

"What's wrong?" Draco asked, quietly sitting on the ground next to the boy. "Just the usual nightmares," Harry said. "What happened to Weasley and Granger?" Draco asked with genuine curiosity.

"I don't want to go to them every time I have a nightmare."

"What about Weaslette or Hagrid?"

Harry looked at him and said, "Can't go to Gin all the time, she has her own life, and I would go to Hagrid, but he is finally free to be with Madame Maxime and I don't want to worry him." Draco felt a little bad that he was just Harry's last resort, but at least he featured on the list.

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