Chapter 11

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Alrigt guys there is this song, Little Do You Know by Alex and Sierra and it goes very well with the chapter, if you wamt you can listen to it in the background. I have put in a cue for you to play the song.
There is smut in this chapter and I have put in a waring as usual.

Now to the chapter:

It was Friday night after dinner in the first week of December. Draco pulled on Harry's lumpy repulsive red jumper with the H on top. Even though the jumper was something the previous Draco wouldn't have been caught dead wearing, he wasn't the previous Draco anymore. He would still never go out in this but it smelled like Harry and it was soft and effectively kept the December chill away.

He got up from his comfortable place by the fireplace as an owl tapped on his window. It was letter from his mother.

Dear Draco,
I hope you are doing well. How is Harry? He better be treating my precious Dragon properly.
Draco, the Manor will be empty for the Christmas holidays since I am not coming back for Christmas. I am so sorry I will not be there and you can choose to remain at Hogwarts or go with Harry. I would invite you to come to France but your relatives don't want you there as they think you are too like your father. I am so sorry, Draco.
Take care,
Your mother.

So Draco was spending Christmas alone then. He could always go with Harry but he shuddered at the thought of having to face the Weasleys after all he had done and said. He could ask Harry to stay with him but he didn't want to take away Harry's Christmas. He folded the letter and getting a piece of parchment and self inking quill wrote a reply to his mother.

Dear Mother,
I am doing well I hope you are too. Harry is good and he has been treating me very well. I will inform you about my choice for the holidays. It's alright. Its not their fault that they don't like me.
Take Care,

As he folded up the letter, he felt Harry come up behind him and wrap his arms around him from behind. Draco turned around to look at Harry after sending the letter.

"You look sad," Harry said. "I am okay," Draco replied trying to keep the sadness out of his voice.

"What's wrong, Kitten?" Harry asked.
Draco smiled at the use of the nick name. "I was just thinking about Christmas holidays and where I will go since I can't go back to the Manor," he said.

Harry looked up at him, "come with me."
Draco wasn't sure if he had heard him right. "Come with you?"
"Yes to The Burrow," Harry said and then added, "Ron writes to them every week you know, since the war, and he told them all about us, they want to meet you."

"I don't know, Harry. It will be so awkward and they already hate me, they would never forgive me, hell I wouldn't even forgive myself let alone them," Draco said.

Harry hugged him tighter, "Draco, I need you there. After Fred..after Fred, nothing's been the same and it's hard. If you don't come, I'll stay here because I am not spending Christmas away from the man I love-"

{Cue song}

"The man you what?" Draco asked.

"The Man I love, I am in love with you Draco. You don't have to say it back, not yet. I just wanted you to know that I am in love with you," Harry rambled.

"I am in love with you too, Harry," Draco said but he sounded scared. This was all too good to be true. Harry loved him, he loved him.

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