Chapter 4

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When Harry woke up in the morning, he took a while to realise where he was, and then last night's events were coming back to him. He had had a nightmare, Draco had hugged him and told him it was okay, told him he was there and got under the covers with Harry when he had asked him to stay. So where was Draco now?

Maybe he was in his room getting ready for breakfast. Harry quickly got out of bed to check, but Draco wasn't there, and he wasn't in the living room area either. Harry realised that Draco had left him all alone. Why would he have stayed anyway? He was just a pathetic boy who cried in his sleep, a broken boy who was scared of nightmares. He had also sent his father to Azkaban. Finally Draco had realised what a loser he was and left him for good.

He could be overthinking the whole situation, but Draco should have left him a note if he was just casually going somewhere, but there was no note, Harry had looked everywhere. He checked the time and realised that it was almost breakfast, but he didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay in the safety of his room. But, alas, he had classes and Hermione would kill him if he skipped, so he walked into his room to see that a door had formed leading into a bathroom, so he quickly cleaned up, got dressed, and walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast .

When he entered, he saw that Ron and Hermione were already there, and they waved him over. When he looked at the Slytherin table, he saw Draco looking at him, but Draco quickly turned away when he saw him, his expression cold. His suspicions were confirmed; Draco hated him. Harry tried to stop his tears from falling and walked towards the Gryffindor table, even though he just wanted to go over to Draco and hug him. He sat at the Gryffindor table next to Ginny and in front of Ron and Hermione instead.

Ginny looked at him and said, "Why are you so sad?" Harry looked longingly towards the Slytherin table but Draco was busy laughing with his friends. "Draco won't talk to me," he said. Ginny looked at him confused but when she didn't get any explanation she turned to Ron and Hermione. "He's under the effects of Amortentia, potions assignment," Hermione explained to her. "The effects should wear off in another 15 minutes or so," Ron added.

~15 minutes later~

Harry felt as if he was waking up from a daze, he became conscious of where he was, and then suddenly everything came back to him. Sitting with Ron and Hermione in the Transfiguration classroom, he remembered everything he had done under the influence of the damned potion.

He had hugged Malfoy, smelt his neck, played with his hair, flown around with him, he had cried in front of him and asked him to stay after he had his nightmare, and Malfoy had stayed. Why had he stayed? Well, Harry could figure that out later; he had worse problems to take care of, because he had kissed him. Oh fuck. He had kissed Draco fucking Malfoy, and liked it (he had thought that Malfoy had great lips). What was wrong with him? Obviously he knew what was wrong with him, it was the stupid damned potion.

Once Harry was over the fact that he had kissed Draco fucking Malfoy on the lips, (which had taken til lunch by the way) Harry started wondering why had Malfoy stayed. He could have just pushed him away and gone with his friends but he had stayed for some reason and talked to him like they were friends, he had let Harry hug him and let Harry sit in his lap. Maybe he had felt bad for Harry, but Malfoy didn't do pity. The only thing Harry didn't regret doing was telling Draco that he was not a bad person, but just a boy who wasn't given a choice, because that was true, and he thought Malfoy deserved to know that.

Now, lunch was over and he had Defence Against the Dark Arts with the Slytherins. Great, just great Harry thought, and wished the floor would open and swallow him whole.

Harry missed Professor Lupin, not that Professor Maria Shwitz was bad, it's just Professor Lupin was the best DADA professor they had ever had. Soon, he saw Malfoy walk into class with Zabini and Parkinson and he fought the urge to hide behind Ron.

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