Chapter 3

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Monday morning found Draco in a great mood as he walked towards the Great Hall with Pansy and Blaise. Pansy, as usual, was grumbling about how Monday mornings should be banned from existence. Blaise was still trying to get oriented to his surroundings, barely awake. But what wasn't usual was the chirpy mood Draco was in, without his morning dose of coffee.

Well it was Amorentia day, after all, and Draco couldn't help but be happy to have his feelings reciprocated even if it was just for 24 hours. Draco placed his fully covered arms on the table (even though it was hot outside he was wearing full sleeved clothes to hide the disgusting Dark Mark on his left forearm).

As soon as Pansy had had her coffee and was awake enough to see that Draco was unusually happy on a Monday morning, she figured out why in less than a second. Mostly because Draco was staring at the Gryffindor table and smiling like an idiot. Pansy did what she does every breakfast and chucked a blueberry muffin at his face.

"Could you not do that every single breakfast?" Draco asked, glaring at her.

"Could you stop staring at the Gryffindor table every single breakfast?" Pansy smirked.

Well he couldn't do that, so he just took a bite out of the blueberry muffin. There was no point in lying to Pansy about it because she knew him better than he knew himself at times. He hurriedly finished his breakfast, as he was very excited to reach the Potions classroom. On the other hand, Pansy and Blaise weren't so excited, because Blaise was going to be in love with Pansy and neither of them were very happy with that. He made them come early nonetheless.

"The potion's effects will last for 24 hours so you are excused from all classes for the day and are allowed to spend the night together if you choose to do so and no curfew will be imposed on you," Professor Slughorn explained when the whole class had come in. He turned to see that Harry was looking at the vial with his nose scrunched up.

"Scared, Potter?" Draco asked, smirking. "You wish," Harry responded, smirking back. "No, just disgusted with all the things I am going to do." Then he quickly uncorked the vial and downed the potion in one go.

Draco looked around the class to see how the others were doing. Pansy was pushing away Blaise who kept trying to kiss her. Granger and Weaselbee weren't acting any differently, because they were already in love with each other. There hadn't been any change in the behaviour of Thomas and Finnigan, which Draco found a bit peculiar, but they could have just messed up the potion. That would be expected from the two thick-headed Gryffindors.

He turned back to look at what the Gryffindor at his side was doing, but Potter had eyes only for Draco and was now staring intently at his face. He hesitantly reached for Draco's hand but Draco shook his head. Potter stopped immediately, looking a little hurt.

"Do you know a place where we can be alone?" Draco asked him, and Potter nodded eagerly, happy to help. Draco followed him out of the classroom to the seventh floor corridor and into the Room of Requirement.

Inside the room was like a mixture of Slytherin and Gryffindor. There was a red sofa on one side, and a green armchair on the other. The windows had red curtains, and there was a wooden desk which looked like it had come straight from the Slytherin common room.

Draco held Harry's hand, led him to the sofa, and sat down; Harry snuggling up to him just a little bit. Draco wondered why Harry wasn't acting like the others and trying to kiss him. He looked down at Harry, who had his head buried in the crook of his neck. He softly touched his cheek so that Harry looked up at him and smiled his stupid cute adorable lopsided grin. There was such pure emotion in his eyes that Draco was pretty sure he would never tire of looking into them.

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