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It’s early in the morning. But Evan Buckley’s not thinking about that as he shoves himself through the gates and makes a run for it, bag in hand.

Only one thing is on his mind right now, and that’s, Don’t stop. Don’t you dare fucking stop. He’s not getting you back. Not this time.

He eventually makes it to a house far enough away to where he’s sure the man he’s running from can’t see him, and starts frantically knocking on the door.

“Open the door! Please, open the door!”

When the owner, an old lady, opens the door, she’s immediately worried. “Oh my Goodness, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”

Then she quickly ushers Buck inside, trying to get him to talk, “Buck...”

Not long after that, Buck’s completely covered in a big hoodie, hair cut and dyed so he’s unrecognizable as he walks into the bus station.

The guy at the counter doesn’t ask questions, just slides the ticket over, “There you go, sir.”, and Buck quickly snatches it up and takes off for the bus that’ll take him to his freedom.

He doesn’t stop to apologize when he bumps into someone, dead set on getting the hell out of here as fast as humanly possible.

Only, once he sees the sirens outside, as well as who’s getting out of the car, Buck’s immediately in a panic, and moves that much faster.

Meanwhile, the cop and his partner march right up to the ticket booth, cutting in front of the other patrons, to ask, showing a picture.

“Excuse me, have you seen this man?”

It’s a picture of Buck, only in his natural hair color and longer than it is now, but it’s enough to where the ticket guy doesn’t recognize him.

“No, don’t think so.”

The cop pushes, “Are you sure?”

The ticket guys repeats, “Nope.”

Meanwhile outside, Buck’s finally reached the bus, knocking so the driver knows he’s coming on board, looks back one last time, then hops on. 

The cops keep up their search, asking everyone if they’ve seen Buck, only to be met with the same response, other than one guy who asks, “Was he more of a chestnut? Shorter hair?”

Buck moves to the furthest part of the bus as he possibly can, right as the cops stop another one from pulling out.

Both cops get on the bus, checking every passenger for the man they’re looking for, while Buck counts his lucky stars they checked the wrong one, and again when they stop yet another bus right behind them.

Buck sits down, holding his sack of belongings close to him as the bus finally pulls away.

He’s free.

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