Fool in the Rain

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In Hershey, right as Jeremy shows up for his shift, he ehars behind him.


Jeremy turns, and it’s his chief. And he’s clearly not happy. 

“In my office.”

Jeremy tries to excuse himself, “Look, Chief, I’m really in the middle of something, and I--”

“Now!” The word leaves no room for argument, and Jeremy knows it.

Resigned, Jeremy follows the chief to his office.

Buck’s just finishing polishing the ambulance, bidding the other probies goodnight, when he hears behind him.


On instinct, he turns around, and finding Eddie standing there is about the last thing he was expecting to see.

Eddie scoffs, “Please tell me this is some kind of elaborate prank. What the hell is going on?”

Edie holds up the Person of Interest flier, and Buck can easily tell him,

“I have no idea.”

“You have no idea? Let me read you the highlights. Special bulletin. Person of interest. Suspect: murder. First degree. Evan Buckley?”

Buck can’t take another second of this, and marches right up to take the flier right out of Eddie’s hand, hands shaking as he gets a closer look.

“Who did you kill?”

Buck’s quick to shake his head, “Eddie, you have to believe me when I say this isn’t what you think.”

That just makes Eddie angrier, “Why don’t you fill me in on what I’m supposed to think? Because what I’m seeing is your picture, on a wanted poster, calling you a murder suspect.”

Buck knows answering that would be pointless, seeing how angry Eddie already is.

That’s fine with Eddie, as he goes on, “Your name really is Evan, isn’t it?”

Buck just nods, knowing better than to lie right now, but Eddie’s still turning away.

“Evan.” he repeats.

Buck begs him, “Eddie, please, just let me explain.”

Eddie accuses him angrily, “I trusted you. I let you become a part of my life, my kid’s life. Jesus, I trusted you with. My. Kid. My wonderful kid, who trusted you. Exactly how the hell am I supposed to explain this to him?”

Now Buck gets bolder, as he replies, “That I was an idiot. That I was the biggest idiot on the planet that got involved with a really bad guy.”

Eddie’s not impressed, “Why should I believe that, after everything?”

Buck blurts out, desperate now, “He hurt me.”

Eddie’s not listening, “Why should I believe anything that comes out of your mouth? I apparently don’t even know your first name.”

“I’m sorry.” Buck tries, tears threatening to fall. “I’m sorry I never told you. You have to believe me when I say I’d never hurt anyone.”

“Get the hell out of here, Evan.” Eddie orders, voice leaving no room for argument.

“Especially not you or Chris.”

At that, Buck suddenly feels himself shoved against an ambulance, as Eddie towers over him, finger pointed right in his face.

“Don’t ever say his name again. Get the hell out of here, before I call Athena and have you arrested. Consider it the last thing I ever do for you.”

Then Eddie walks away, letting the paper fall out of his hand, leaving Buck still standing there, crushed.

In Hershey, Jeremy sits in the chair across from his boss’ desk, asking politely,

“What’s going on, boss?”

The chief wastes no time pulling out the same person of interest flier, tossing it on his desk.

“Why don’t you tell me? What the hell is this?”

Jeremy’s quick to try and cover, “That’s not what it looks like. Honest.”

The chief’s in no mood to be lied to. “Then why don’t you tell me what it is? And another thing. What’s in your water bottle?”

Jeremy’s head shoots up immediately, and the chief goes on, “You carry that with you everywhere you go. What are you putting in it?”

Jeremy shakes his head in confusion, “...water?”

The chief doesn’t believe him, “You sure about that? Let me see it.”

Jeremy goes on defense, “Why?”

The chief doesn’t bother asking again, snatching it up and unscrewing the cap and sniffing the vodka.

With that, the chief sets the bottle down and states, “As of now, you are hereby suspended without pay, pending internal review. I’m also going to need your gun and badge.”

Jeremy pathetically begs, “Not the badge, boss.”

“Are you aware of just exactly how many rules you’ve broken? I knew you were dirty, but I never thought you were this stupid.” The chief lectures.

Jeremy doesn’t even bother lying, just says, “I have to find him.”

“Not like this, you’re not. And you know that better than anybody. Gun and badge. Now.”

“I have to find him, boss.” Jeremy pleads.

“Jeremy, you sent out a nationwide APB. And you know damn well he’s not a murderer. For Christ sake, he’s your goddamn husband!”

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